Director for 183 7. MAT
+Martin William, hackman, Run alley s of Saratoga st
+Martin Luther, labourer, Light st extended
Martus, S. S. E. Water st w of Gough
Marye R. Franklin st 4 doors above Charles
Maryland Sunday School Union, 15s Calvert st
Mask Wm. carpenter, cor Camden &, Howard Sts. dw Camden
Mask Charles, carpenter, Conway st w of Green
Mask W. M. carpenter, cor Howard and Camden Sts. dw
Camden st w of Charles
Mason Matthias, baker, Exeter st near French
Mason Benjamin, tailor, Potter st n of Hillen
Mason Abraham, sailmaker, cor Silver and Canal Sts
Mason Wesley, wharf builder, Hill st 1 door e of Charles
Mason Peter, boarding house, 53 Pearl st
Mason John, clerk in Western Bank, dw Pearl st n of Baltimore
Mason Richard C. biscuit baker, 76 w Pratt st dw Granby st e
Mason Peter, merchant, dw Green st n of Lombard [of Gough
Mason Wm. grocer, 6 Spear's wharf, dw Pratt st betw High and
+Mason Solomon, waterman, Spring st n of Gough [Exeter Sts
Masonic Hall, St. Paul st n of Fayette
Mass Samuel, cedar cooper, 1-2 and 21 Franklin st. dw Franklin
Massey Jesse, U. S. army, Mercer st w of Calvert [w of Park
Massicott Capt William, 54 Albemarle st
Massol Florian, lottery and exchange office, 91 Baltimore st
Masson William, grocer, s. e. cor W ilk and Ann Sts
Massy Nathan, blacksmith, n Gay st near Mott
Massy Thomas, wheelwright, Sterling st near Monument
Masters Charles, ship carpenter, Aisquith st s of Low
Masterson Charles, labourer, Penn. av. n of Franklin st
Matchett Richard J. printer, n. e. cor Gay and Water Sts. dw
n Frederick st near Baltimore
Mather John, paver, n Gay st near Mott
Mathers James, tailor, 9 n Howard st dw Pearl st s of Mulberry
Mathews J. jr. clerk, 136 Hanover st
Mathews Samuel, teacher, Cove st w of Pierce
Mathiot Augustus, chair factory, Gay st. dw s High st n of
Mathiot mrs Mary, n e cor Ensor and East sts [ Granby
Mathiot mrs Elizabeth, 73 s High st
+Mattee Sarah, Fleet st near Caroline
[Matthews Michael, carter, Washington st n of Alice Anna
Matthews mrs. Sharp st s of Lee
Matthews James, labourer, Hill st w of Sharp
Matthews George, carpenter, Lexington st w of Cove
Matthews John, Phoenix hotel, 59 s Charles st
Matthews Catherine, dry goods store, cor George st and Penn. av.
Matthews Thomas; lumber merchant, 97 n High st
Matthews Thomas, jr. carpenter, 97 n High st
Matthews Thomas R. com. mt. 10 Bowley's whf. dw 34 Eutaw
Matthews John, cabinet maker, Eutaw st s of Baltimore