Director for 1837. MAG
Mackenzie Thomas, saddler, Baltimore st e of Charles dw cor
Lexington and Liberty
Mackenzie &, Co. chemists, cor Baltimore and Gay Sts
Mackenzie Dr. J. P. office & dw cor Fayette and Holliday Sts
Mackheimer Wm. tailor, Pine st n of Chesnut alley
Mackfaden Charles, carpenter, 53 s Howard st
Mack henry James, painter, Paca st n of Franklin
Mackin Francis, carter, Forest st near Monument
Mackin Bernard, carpenter, Mulberry near Calvert st
Mackilroy Thomas, commission warehouse, 2 Light st wharf
Mackintosh Alexander, city watchman, Forrest st op Pent'ry
Mackville Cieorge, machinist, Cove st s of Pratt
Macy R. B Carver, 31 Thames st shop Lancaster st
Madden John, laborer, Wagon al e of Park st
Madden John F., plaisterer, Barre s of Charles st
Madden David, Saratoga st w of Cove
Madden Jesse, laborer, Tyson's al near Falls road
Madden Daniel, blacksmith, 124 s Paca st
+Madden John, laborer, Guilford al 1 door e of Charles st
+Madden George, cooper, Baltimore st extended
Maddox Lazaurus, porter, Columbia st e of Paca
Maddox C. E., clerk, 72 n Charles st
Maddox Milley, huckster, Busy al e of Sharp st
Maddox Thomas, boot and shoemaker, cor Constitution and
Maddox Daniel, carpenter, 93 Orleans st [French Sts
+Maddox Joseph, laborer, alley bet Spring and Caroline Sts
Madison John, saddler, Canal, s of Gough
Madison Se Lee, horse collar makers, 57 Harrison st
Maffej Angelo, fancy store, 40 Centre Market Space
Magarity James, laborer, Davis st near Bath .
Magarity John, moulder, Calvert st near Mulberry
Magaurin Elizabeth C., dry goods store, cor Lexington and
Magee James, laborer, Light st near Lee [Green Sts
Magee Jane, dress maker, Albemarle n of Pratt st
Mager Anthony, brickmaker, Light st extended
Magers Elias, tobaconist, 32 Pratt st
Magill Charles A., merchant tailor, 44 n Gay st
Magness James, merchant tailor, 20 1/2 Balt, st dw High 3 doors
Magness Samuel, shoemaker, East n of Douglass st [s of Pitt
Magness Benjamin, chair maker, 3 Temple st
Magnes Frederick, Wilk st w of Spring
Magrain Mary, confectioner, Penn. Av. s of Union st
Magrath John, grocer, Charles s of Lee st
Magrath Edward, grocer, 110 Dugan's wharf
Magree Vansant, segar maker, Carolines of Bank [Saratoga
Magruder William, attorney at law. office & dw St Paul's s of
Magruder J. H. paper man. 17 New Church st
Magruder Hon. R. B., associate judge, 6th judicial district dw
Saratoga st near St. Paul's