University of Maryland.—Situation at the corner of Greene
and Lombard streets. The building is formed on a classic model;
the portico, is supported by eight Doric columns. It has a dome
surmounting a rotunda, 60 feet in diameter. This institution has
four faculties, viz. Divinity, Law, Physic, and the Arts and Sci-
ences. To this University is attached the Baltimore College,
and Baltimore Infirmary, which see. The University of Mary-
land was incorporated A. D. 1812.
Washington Medical College.—The buildings lately erected
by this institution, are said to be on the most elevated grounds
within the limits of the city; they are constructed in a novel and
magnificent style of architecture". The length is 195 feet. The
centre building is circular, 40 feet in diameter, and four stories in
height. At equi distant points connected with the main building