Director for 1837. LEM
Lee John, book binder, Vine st W of Cove
Lee Richard, labourer, Balt st e of Cove
Lee Chas, blacksmith, Green s of Balt dw Pearl s of Park latte
Lee John R. grocer, 102 n Howard st
Lee Kemp, labourer, St. Mary's st s of Rosa
Lee Samuel, labourer, Long al s of Ross st
Lee Richard, chair maker, cor Lombard and Eutaw st
Lee Collins T. attorney at law, cor Lexington and Charles sts
Lee Daniel, carpenter, Lee st w of Sharp
Lee Abraham, cordwainer, Holland w of Harford run
Lee Wm. saddler, Forest w of Harford run
Lee Isaac, carter, Painter's court near Pitt st
+Lee Perry, labourer, French lane near Charles st
+Lee Wm. drayman, Sharp s of Barnet
+Lee Abraham, Apple al near Alice Anna st
+Lee Philip, Run al n of Lexington st
+Lee Joseph, labourer, Elbow lane w of Green st
+Lee Rodley, labourer, Perry e of Eutaw
+Lee Cesar, labourer, Lee st w of Sharp
+ Lee Charlotte, washer, Forest s of Douglass st
+Lee Devan, drayman, Short st n of Orleans st
Leech Ruth, cor Market Space and Water st
Leech Caleb, lottery office, cor Fayette and Howard sts
Leef J ship carpenter, Stiles e of High st
Leef Henry, corner High and Fawn sts
Leek Susan, 35 n High st
Leek mrs Susan, 129 s Sharp st
Leeke James, carpenter, Park lane e of Core st
Leeke & Co. dry goods mt. 69 n Howard st
Lafetra Jacob, shoe dealer, 64 Pratt st
Leeke Richard, dry goods merchant, cor Baltimore and Hanover
sts. dw 65 s Sharp st
Lefevre David, whip and cane maker, Mott st near Sterling
Lefever Abraham, printer, 17 n Exeter st
Lefever Lewis, pedlar, Mercer, e of Grant
Lefferman William, tanner and currier, French st near Bath
Leffever Charles, cabinet maker, Vine ste of Pine
Leffler Mrs Ann, Armistead lane e of Light at
Laflar George, labourer, Columbia st w of Green
Legar William, Ensor st near Mott
+Legar Daniel, labourer, Patterson st near Pratt
Legard Elizabeth, fruit shop, Ensor st near Mott
+Legel Benjamin, labourer, Carpenter alley w of Howard st
Leggett Miss, seminary, e Water st w of Albemarle
Lerand Samuel D. cor e Baltimore and Caroline sts
Leiberman John, Strawberry alley near Wilk st
Leinharten Jacobina, 64 Bond st
Lemmon Chas, bookbinder, Fayette at near Calvert, dw Fayette
Lemmon W P. com. mt. 77 Smith's whf. [st near Sharp