Chapter VII.—Building's for the purposes of Litera-
ture, Science, Charity, and Public Amusement.
Adelphi Theatre.—A very small establishment, so called, is
placed at the corner of North and Saratoga streets. It is but
rarely opened for dramatic performances, and is more frequently
used for exhibitions of paintings, &c.
Asbury College.—Established in 1816; now situated at the cor-
ner of North and Fayette streets; it receives none but day stu-
dents. The number of pupils at this time is sixty, M. Power,
Assembly Rooms.—This building, located at the corner of
Holliday and Fayette streets, has lately been, altered in height
from two to three stories, and otherwise improved. The danc-
ing rooms are on the second floor. Cost of the building $38,000
before the alteration. It was built in 1787.
Baltimore College.—Nearly opposite the Cathedral, in Mulber-
ry street. It is exclusively devoted to day scholars; the number
of which at present are 130. This college is attached to the
University of Maryland. The dimensions of the building are 82
feet by 50. Principal John Prentiss.
Concert Hall.—In south Charles street. It contains a largo
room very suitable for balls, &c.
Commerce Street Assembly Rooms. —These are situated in Com-
merce street, and adapted to the same purposes as the preceding.
Female Orphan Asylum.—Incorporated in 1808, and intended
to afford shelter and education to destitute orphan children. It
is situated in Mulberry near Park street.
Front Street Theatre.—This is the largest theatre in the city,
but very plain on its exterior. It can easily be arranged, to an-
swer the purpose of a circus, for which, indeed, it was originally
intended. The cost was $27,000.
Holliday Street Theatre.—This house is small, but very taste-
fill; its front is ornamented with six Doric pilasters. It is the Bal-
timore Drury, the oldest and most fashionable theatre in the city.
The original cost of this building was $50,000.
Library.—The Baltimore Library is on the lower floor of the
Assembly Rooms, at the corner of Holliday and Fayette streets,
entrance on Holliday street. It was incorporated in 1796. At
present this is a very large and valuable collection of books.
McKim's Free School.—Among the public buildings which
ornament Baltimore, we must consider as deserving of particular
notice, the Free School, at the corner of east Baltimore and Ais-
quith streets. U is a superb structure, built after the model of
the Temple of Theseus in Athens, and owes its origin to the mu-
nificence of Isaac McKim, esq. son, of the late John McKim;.
Museum.—Tne Baltimore Museum is at the corner of Balti-
more and Calvert streets. Its external appearance is perhaps
superior to that of any similar establishment in the United States