JOR Matchett's Baltimore
Jones John, ship carpenter, York st. betw Light and Charles
Jones James, ship carpenter, Lee st betw Charles and Light
Jones William, ship carpenter, Armistead lane betw Light and
Jones Elisha, fisherman, Cross st e of William [William sts
Jones James, tailor, 10 Lovely lane, shop South st next to cor
Jones Capt James, Granby st w of Harford Run [Lovely lane
Jones Jacob, waterman, Granby st e of Gough
Jones William, waterman, e Water st w of Harford run
Jones Lemuel, waterman, e Baltimore st w of Canal
Jones Capt Ezekiel, Baltimore st w of Canal
Jones Mrs Eleanor, milliner, 20 e Baltimore st
+ Jones Violet, washer, Saratoga et extended
+Jones David, porter, 45 Pearl st
+Jones Harriet, washer, Pierce st w of Pearl
+ Jones David, drayman, cor Green and Fayette sts
+Jones Hager, washer, German st w of Pine
+ Jones Isaac, labourer, s Howard st extended
+Jones Jacob carter, Carpenter's alley e of Paca st
+Jones, Dean, labourer, Hill st w of Sharp
+Jones Sally, washer, Lerew's alley n of Madison st
+ Jones Letty, washer, Liberty st s of Baltimore
+Jones Joseph, whitewasher, Liberty st s of Baltimore
+ Jones Aaron, labourer, Wagon alley w of Liberty st
+Jones John, waiter, Pleasant st e of Park
+Jones Henry, labourer, Sugar alley w of Charles st
+ Jones Andrew, porter, Douglass st e of East
+Jones Israel, caulker, Forest st n of Douglass
+Jones Aaron, labourer, Short alley w of Canal st
+Jones Gideon, carpenter, 9 Union st .
+Jones Thomas, labourer, Guilford alley w of Light st
+Jones Mrs Rachel, Williams alley e of Light st
+Jones Williamson, labourer, Water st e of Exeter
+Jones Henrietta, Sugar alley near Light st
+Jones Richard, caulker, Wilk st e of Wolf
+Jones Robert, carter, Argyle alley near Fleet st
+Jones Eli, waterman, Caroline st n of Bank
++Jones Mrs. Cross st near Johnson
++Jones Thomas, labourer, Guilford alley e of Charles st
+Jones Isaac, labourer, Long alley near Frederick st
+Jones Henry, labourer, Long alley near Frederick st
+Jones Sally, washer, Long alley near Frederick st .
+Jones Stephen, carpenter, Exeter st n of Gay
+Jones Amos, labourer, Sterling st near Madison
+Jones James, sawyer, Centre st w of 5t. Paul's
+ Jones Mrs. Charles st extended
+Jones Polly, Wagon alley w of Park st
+Jones James, waterman, Granby st near the falls
+Jones Elijah, sawyer, Lancaster st e of Market
Jordan William, labourer, Rock st n of Lexington