Director for 1837. JOH
Jewett Jane'S. teacher, 25 n High st
Jewitt Joseph, book store, 229 w Baltimore st. dw Fayette st e
Jew's Synagogue, cor Harrison st and Eina lane [of Cove
[ ] Conway st w of Howard
[ ] Jarrett, labourer. Canal st near Orleans
+Jiles James, segar maker,Forest st opposite Penitentiary
Jillard John, tavern, 4 Thames st e of Bond
Jimes John, carpenter, Comet st w of Aisquith
Jockel Conrad, grocer, Light st extended
Johns Capt Richard H. cor Ann and Alice Anna Sts [Baltimore st
Joel Woodward aiid Co. wholesale domestic warehouse, 197
Johns Mrs Ann, fancy dressmaker, Fayette st e of Charles
Johns William, brush maker, Vine st w of Cove
Johns David I. tailor, 46 Eutaw st
Johns Rev. Henry, pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, dw
Johns Noble, caster, 97 s Sharp st [41 n Front st
Johns Rev. John, dw e Baltimore st bet Exeter and Aisquith Sts
Johns Kinsey, rope manufacturer, Harford avenue
++Johns Patty, washer, Eager alley n of Mulberry st
+Johns William, labourer, Wolf st s of Fleet
++Johns Moses, oysterman, Calvert st near Centre
Johnson John, carpenter, Pine st s of Saratoga
Johnson William, labourer, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Johnson Ferguson, weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Johnson James, manufacturer, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Johnson Mrs. weaver, Pierce st e of Cove
Johnson James, coach painter. Mulberry st w of Pearl
Johnson Thomas, labourer, Mulberry st e of Pine
Johnson James, carter, Holland st extended
Johnson Samuel, carpenter, Holland st extended
Johnson David, weaver, Preston st s of Ross
Johnson Elizabeth, sempstress, Long alley s of Ross st
Johnson William, printer, Howard st s of Richmond
Johnson Archibald, tailor, Paca st s of Fayette
Johnson William, labourer, Columbia st e of Paca
Johnson Francis, drayman, Columbia st e of Chatsworth
Johnson James, Custom House officer, dw 114 Lombard st
Johnson Elizabeth, washer, 9 Tyson st
Johnson Margaret, milliner, Lexington st e of Park
Johnson Richard R, woolen dresser, cor German and Hanover
Johnson L. machinist, Monument st near Sterling
Johnson George, shoe maker, 70 East st
Johnson Robert, waiter, Low sf n of Forest
Johnson Gerard, coach iron maker, Low st betw High and Front
Johnson James, coach iron maker, 48 n Exeter st
Johnson George, shoe maker, 3 n Exeter st
Johnson Ezekiel C. clothing store, 78 Pratt st. dw 25 Thames
Johnson, Sims & Co. grocers and commission merchants, 57
Spear's wharf