HUN Matchett's Baltimore
Howard James, hackman, Centre st w of Charles
Howard mrs John, widow, Franklin st w of Charles
Howard mrs Rebecca, 58 h Charles st
Howard Mary, shop keeper, Potter st e of Low
Howard Wm. shoemaker, Forest st w of Harford run [Hillen
Howard Robert, com. mt. 1 O'Donnell's wf. dw cor Exeter and
Howard Cornelius, ship joiner. Gough at near Stiles
Howard James, carter, Gough st e of Wolf
Howard Robert, grocer, cor Hillen and Exeter dw Hillen 3
doors w of Exeler
Howard Col. Benjamin C. Howard's park
Howard John T. cordwainer, Canal near M'Elderry st.
Howard James, president Franklin Bank, dw Frederick s of
Howard Charles, dw cor Monument and Charles sts [Balto.
++Howard Gallons, labourer, German st w of Pine
+Howard George. Howard st s of Pratt
+Howard John, labourer, Columbia st e of Howard
+Howard Edw. labourer, Honey al e of Hanover st
+Howard Samuel, carter, Forest st n of Douglass
+Howard Jacob, labourer, Long lane n of Orleans st
+Howard Samuel, whitewasher, Lerew's al near Mulberry st
+Howard Wm. carriage driver, East st near Ensor
++Howard Samuel, labourer, Mechanics' court near High st
++Howard Augustus, sawyer, Harford av near Madison st
+Howard Nathan, labourer, Forest st near Ensor
+Howard Charles, waiter, Davis st near Bath
++Howard Sukey, Lerew's al n of Saratoga st
+Howard Kitty, Inloes al w of Park st
+Howard Hagar, Perry st w of Howard
+Howard John, labourer, Strawberry al n of Pratt st
++Howard James, caulker, Strawberry al near Pinkney st
+Howard Wm. labourer, Strawberry al s of Wilk st
Howell W. &, Son. mts. 46 s Gay st dw J. B. H.77 s Sharp
Howell Abigail, dress maker, Eastst n of Douglass
Howland Mrs. C. 22 n Frederick st
Hozay Christopher, carter, Front st near Bath
Hubbard Thomas J. tailor, Franklin st w of Lerew's al
Hubbard James, grocer, Orleans st e of Caroline
Hubbard Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Potter st n of Douglass
Hubbard Mary, tavern, 60 w Pratt st
Hubbard Peter, Granby st e of Gough
Hubbard mrs Sarah, 16 Philpot st
Hubbard Samuel, carver, Bank st w of Strawberry alley
Hubbard mrs Sarah, Bank st e of Strawberry al
Hubbard Wm. ship joiner, 79 e Fleet st
Hubbard Hugh, shoemaker, 85 e Fleet st
Hubbard Henry, waterman, 93 e Fleet st
Hubbard James, ship carpenter, Fountain st e of Washington
Hubbard Edw. labourer, Wilk st w of Washington