HOF Matchett's Baltimore
Hisey Hensey, carter, Cross near William st
Hisky J piano fort manufacturer, 6s Calvert st
Hiss Catherine, grocer, Saratoga e of Schroeder
Hiss Jesse L. chair Maker, Exeter s of Pratt
Hiss Philip, cabinet maker, 67 Fayette st
Hiss &, Austin, cabinet ware room, 69 Fayette St
Hiss Thomas D. cabinet maker, Pratt st e of Sharp
Hiss Jacob jr. fancy chair manufacturer, 37s Gay st. dw
Exeter st n of Baltimore
Hiss Benjamin, currier, Henrietta e of Charles st
Hiss Nicholas, carpenter, Lloyd st s of Salisbury
Hissey Archibald, labourer, Holland st extended
Hissey Jane, semptress, Eager alley w side
Hitchcock Mrs Elizabeth, French st near Potter
Hitchcock Mrs Elizabeth, R e cor Bond &, Wilk sts
Hitchcock Josiah, blacksmith, s e cor Bond and Wilk Sts
Hitchens James, stevadore, Wilk st vv of Caroline
+Hitchens John, Strawberry alley near Fleet st
+Hite William, carter, Strawberry alley near Wilk st
Hiter Walter, mathematical instrument maker, 7 Lexington st
Hitzelberger Joseph, stone cutter, Richmond st near Howard
Hitzelberger Dr. Francis, Saratoga st near Gay
Hitzelberger John, Park st. n of Mulberry
Hitzelberger Peter, morocco dresser, Gay st near Saratoga, dw
Aisquith st s of McEldery
Hitzelberger Hannah, Tyson st n o{ Richmond
Hiverley Henry, victualler, Light st extended
Hixon Henry, weaver, Lerew's alley extended
Hixon Job, Frederick st near Baltimore
Hobb Ann, huxter, Eden st n of Baltimore
Hobbs Littleton, stevadore, Thames st 1 door from Market
Hobbs George, Bond st n of Gough
Hobbs Nicholas, huckster, Neighbour st
Hobbs Samuel, carpenter, Paca st n of Mulberry, dw George st
Hobbs James, watchman, Eutaw st n of Mulberry, [e of Pine
Hobbs Mrs Ann, Exeter st betw Baltimore and Pitt
Hoburg William, carpenter, cor Eden st and Union alley
Hoddinott Simon, hardware merchant, Gay st 2d door s of Front
Hodges Benjamin M. Lexington st e of Charles
Hodges B. O. & Co. bedding mart, cor Lombard and Light sts
Hodges B K. portrait painter, dw do [dw opp corner
Hodges E. dress and cloak maker, cor Columbia and Paca sts
Hodges John, bricklayer. Cross st e of Light
Hodgkinson John, chair factory, 32 Hanover st
Hodgskey Mrs Ann, Courtland st near Saratoga
Hoey John, turnkey at jail, dw Buren st near Monument
Hoff Lewis, grocer, L. Sharp st & of Lexington, dw Mulberry st
Hoff John M. grower, cor Sharp and Lexington sts [w of Paca
Hoffman Frederick, shoemaker, 16 Pratt st e of Market space