Director for 1837. HAW
Haslarn Robert H. fountain stables, Fayette w of Charles st
Haslett James jr. grocer, Frederick st dw s w corner Exeter
and e Water st
Haslett Thomas, grocer, 17 Alice Anna st
Haslup Jesse, coach spring maker, Aisquith st s of Orleans
shop Harrison st n of Baltimore
Haslup Elizabeth, shopkeeper, York st e of Charles
Haslup Rezin, blacksmith, Holliday st n of Saratoga
Haslup John, coach smith, Davis near Saratoga st dw Hillen
st 2 doors w of East st
Hasson and J Hanlzn, procers and commission merchants Pratt
st head of Bowly's wharf
Hasson John, of above firm, dw corner Stiles and Exeter sts
Hastings James, grocer, Eutaw st s of Franklin
Hatch Miss C. E. milliner, Franklin st w of Pine
Hatch Nathaniel, cordwainer, Chesnut alley w of Pine st
Hatch Mrs. Sarah, milliner. 149 Bond st
Hatcheson John, clrk, Montgomery st e of Light
Hatchison Benj. cordwainer, 35 Market st f p
Hathaway John. Lombard st e of Eutaw
Hatton Mary, Wilk st 1 door e of Caroline
Hatton Hagerty, pointer, Pinkney st e of Bond
Hatton Eden, sempstress. 30 Low st
Hatton Lydia, Davis st near Bal h
Haubert John, blacksmith, 128 n Howard st
Haughey Thos K. temperance grocer, n w corner Pearl and
Mulberry sts
Haupt Matthias, tobacconist, Eutaw st n of Saratoga
Haupt Elizabeth, segar maker, 111 Eutaw st
Hauppold Daniel, instrument maker, Burgundy alley near
Lunn's Lane
Haurande John, tailor, 9 Second st
Haus Matthias, Sarah Ann st near Cove
Hausmeyer Wm. 9 Lancaster st
Haushh John, liquor store Wilk st 1 door e of Spring st
Hauzpel Manfred, Fleet st e of Bond
Havlin Peter, grocer, cor Monument and Sterling st
Hawkins Samuel, foundry man, Sugar al e of Charles st
Hawkins Horatio B. carpenter, Eden st s of Pratt
Hawkins Chas. H. carpenter, cor Spring and Pinkney Sts
Hawkins Edward, shoemaker, Apple al s of Baltimore st
Hawkins Enoch, cordwainer, Harford Avenue [st
Hawkins Wm firm of Henry and co. dw Frederick n of Second
Hawkins Bridget, sempstress, 102 Dugan's wharf 2nd floor
Hawkins Richard Cove st n of Baltimore
+Hawkins Peter, drayman, Hanover n of Montgomery st
+Hawkins Frederick, sawyer, Bond n of Pratt st
+Hawkins Richard, sawyer, Park st e of Schroeder
+Hawkins Levin, waiter, Pine st s of Mulberry