Director for 1837. HAB
Grover Chas, lumber mt opp. Pent'y dw Harf av near Madison st
Groverman and Sons, china store, 225 Baltimore st
Groverman A. china mt. dw 83 s Sharp st
Groves Ann, shop keeper, Potter e of Low st
Groves John, instrument maker, Neighbour's st near Harford a?
Groves Jacob, ship carpenter, York e of Light st
++Groves Ann, washer, Long lane n of Holland st
Grubb George, cedar cooper, German opposite Penn st
Grubb Wm. morocco dresser, dw Hillen near Falls
Gruber Jacob, locksmith, Camden w of Howard
Gruber Jacob, blacksmith, Williams st near Montgomery
Gruber Ellis, grocer, n e corner, Cove and Saratoga sts
Gruber George, cedar cooper, Fayette st e of Park
Gruble John, Thomsonian practitioner, Orleans e of Caroline
Grundy & Co. auctioneers, corner Charles and Market sts
Grundl s Joseph, victualler, Light st extended
Gudshick Christian, labourer, s w cor Cove and Saratoga sts
Guerand F. dying and scouring establishment, 27 Harrison st
Guest Samuel, wood corder, Lee st w of Hanover st
++Guest Margaret, Caroline n of Fleet st
++Guiss Jacob, caulker, Strawberry al s of Gough st
Guildener Hannah, 73 n Liberty st
Guilford Richard, liquor store, s w cor Bond and Wilk st
Gulley and Emich, stove and sheet iron warehouse, 26 Light st
Gulley Philip, Lee st w of Charles
Gum Jacob, labourer, Harford avenue
Gum mrs., Howard st s of Lombard st
Gunby Capt James, Philpot e of Wilis
Gunby mrs Mary, French near Potter
Gunn Bernard, grocer, s e corner Lexington and Green
Gurley James, prop, western hotel, cor Howard and Saratoga
Gustus Vincent, caulker, Wilks st e of Strawberry al
+Gustus H. tobacconist, foot Gallows hill bet Ensor & Sterling
+Gustus Abraham, sawyer, Balt st e of Eden
Guy James, clerk, Camden bet Charles and Light sts
Guyton and Hyde, dry goods mts. 58 Hanover st
Guyton Joseph, miner, Holland st extended
Gwinn mrs E. Pratt e of Sharp st
Gwinn Wm. engineer, Balt st extended
Gwynn mrs Mary, corner Exeter and Hillen
Gwynn Wm. prop Balt Gazette, office cor St. Paul st & Bank lane
Gwynn Eliza, Lerew's al s of Franklin st
Gwynn Wm. Fisherman, Harford avenue
+Gwynns Henry, Park st e of Schroeder,
Gybert Francis, cabinet maker, Chatsworth n of Saratoga st
Gyer John, cordwainer, Henrietta w of Charles
HABBERSETT Henry, tavern, High st bet Gay and Low
Habliston Henry, commission agent, 15 s Gay st