Director for 1837. GRI
Gregory Joseph, city watchman, Light near Montgomery st
Gregory Joseph, ship carpenter, Caroline s of Baltimore St
Gregory Wm plaislerer, Park lane w of Pine st
Greiver, John, tailor,corner Hawk st and Centre Market space
Greves David and Son, grocers, 1 and 3 Market st f p
Grevve Wm. blacksmith, Lerew's al s of Franklin st
+Grey Jerry, sawyer, Saratoga e of Poppleton
Gribbin Henry, labourer, Frederick n of Pratt st
Gridley John, lottery and exchange office,25 n Gay st
Grien Isaac, dw Calvert near Mulberry st
Grier Miss, dress maker, Liberty near Lexington st
Griest Moses, grocer, n e corner Gough and Spring sts
Grieves James, superintendent of screw dock, Markets of Wilk
Griffin Mary. Bond 2 doors s of Wilk st
Griffin John, shoemaker, Bond n of Bank st
Griffin Daniel, cooper, Still House st
Griffin Levy, engineer, Charles st s of Henrietta
Griffin Robt. B. dry goods mt. 43 Balt st dw 2 doors above
Griffin James, weaver, Freedom near Franklin st
Griffin John, weaver, Mulberry near Poppleton st
Griffin Elias, tobacconist, dw Pearl n of Mulberry st
Griffin John, plaistercr, Mulberry e of Pine st
Griffin John, grocer, 21 Ross st
Griffin Jacob, labourer, Perry e of Eutaw st
Griffin Jacob, butcher, Monument e of Eden st
Griffin George, millwright, Armistead lane e of Light st
++Griffin Thomas, labourer, Light st extended
++Gnffin Mary, alley bet Spring and Caroline Sts
++Grillin Cuff, labourer, Williams al w of Sharp st
++Griffin Henry, labourer, Comb al n of Hill st
Griffis James, cabinet maker, Ensor st foot of Gallows hill
Griffith Capt. John, Stiles w of Gough st
Griffith mrs Ann, Pratt st 2 doors e of Caroline
Griffith R. K. & Co. hardware mts. 245 Balt st
Griffith R. R. of above, dw corner St. Paul and Franklin st
Griffith Eliza A. grocer, Conway w of Green st
Griffith Michael, tavern, Pratt w of Howard st
Griffith Israel ami Co. wholesale dry goods mts. 213 w Balt st
Griffith Alien, dw Sharps of Camden st
Griffith Dr. R. cor Fayette & St. Paul's Sts
Griffith Richard, grocer, s w corner, Light and Hill sts
Griffith Levy P. boot and shoe manu. Gay near Fred-
erick, dw Holliday n of Saratoga st
Griffith Thomas W just, of peace,office, Fayette near St. Paul
Griffith William, straw cutter, York avenue
Griffith Ann, 29 Aisquith st
Griffith Thomas, slater. Rock st w of Lexington st
Griffith Howd. mt. cor Frederick & Pratt dw Green s of German
Griffith William A. Madison w of Howard st