Director for 1837. GRE
Gray Henry W. just, of peace, lower end Camden at dw n e
corner Sharp and Conway st
Gray George, medicine packer, Tripolett's al near Second st
Gray Catherine, sempstress, Ross st w of Eutaw
Gray Saran, washer, Montgomery e of Sharp st
Gray Sarah, Potter s of Douglass st
Gray Leonard, F. tailor, Aisquith n of Monument st
Gray John M. findings store, 15 w Water st
Gray Win hatter, 15 Thompson st
Gray Samuel, labourer, Low n of Forrest st
Gray James, medicine store, 33 s Calvert dw 19 Water st
Gray ——, waterman, Salisbury e of Lloyd st
+Gray David, labourer, Perry e of Eutaw st
+Gray Caesar, labourer, French near Exeter fct
+Gray Joseph, shoemaker, Saratoga e of Holliday st
+Gray Arthur, labourer, Davis near Bath st
+Gray Eliza, Charles si s of Montgomery
+Gray Richard, labourer. Elbow lane
+Gray Susan, Strawberry al s of Pratt st
+Gray David, drayman, Eager al s of Mulberry st
+Gray Richard, eating house, Pratt e of Commerce st
Grayham Hugh, cabinet maker, Charles st s of Busy al
Grayson George, carter, Lee st w of Hanover
Greban James, merchant, Mulberry e of Hawk st
Greble Benjamin, Potter, Harford av near Madison st
Green Eliza, Ann st n of Alice Anna st
Green mrs 153 Bond st
Green mrs Ann, Bank e of Market st
Green mrs Eliza, Eden s of Pratt st
Green John, carpenter, 41 Fayette st
Green mrs. grocer, Saratoga e of Howard st
Green John, lime store, n Gay s of Exeter st
Green Thomas, bricklayer, Gallows hill
Green mrs Sarah, Buren near Monument st
Green Wm. tanner, corner Monument and Buren Sts
Green A. paper banger, 26 n Gay dw Harrison near Etna lane
Green Samuel, deputy keeper of Penitentiary, 13 Sterling st
Green mrs Maria, French near East st
Green Charles B. grocer, High 3 doors s of Gay dw High 3
doors n of Gay
Green rnrs Ann, tailoress, Exeter near French st
Green mrs Cassa, Exeter n of Hillen
Green John, grocer, s w cor Hillen and Potter sts
Green Editha, sempstress, Hillen near Exeter, st
Green mrs Ann, boarding house, South near Water st
Green George, carpenter, Saratoga e of Schroeder st
Green Enoch, stone mason, Pine e of Cove st
Green and Co. stone cutters, corner Pratt and Green Sts
Green Edward, 230 n Howard st