FRE Matchett's Baltimore
Francis Robert, clerk, Potter st 2 doors s of Hillen
Francis Thomas, baker, n e cor Saratoga and Rock sts.
Francis John, drayman, Long al s of Ross st
Francis John, sawyer, Wagon al w of Liberty st
++Francis Mary, segar maker, Potter st e of Low
++Francis Perry, labourer, Orleans st e of Short alley
++Francis John, Shakspeare st 1 door e of Bond
Franciscus John, sugar refiner, 76 Bowley's wharf dw n Gay st
near Orange alley
Franck Godleip, grocer, 39 Union st
Franck Oster, grocer, 97 Bond st
Franck Peter3 grocer, Forest st near Hillen
Frank John, baker, cor Williams and Cross sts
Frank Henry, locksmith, Perry st w of Sharp
Franklin capt Samuel, 59 Ann st
Franklin James, weaver, Rock st n of Lexington
Franklin Wm. plane maker, Mulberry st e oi" Pine
Franklin John, carpenter, 84 Conway st
Franklin Peter, labourer, Montgomery st w of Charles
Franklin Joshua, Wagon al w of Liberty st
Franklin Bank, see introduction
Frazer Wm. 11. grocer, Pratt st e of Sharp
Frazier John, painter, Lombard st e of Charles
Frazier Jeremiah, ship joiner, 17 e Fleet st
Frazier capt James. 41 e Fleet st
Frazier Alexander, 2 Strawberry al s of Bank st
Frazier Walter, Canal st between Bank and Gough
Frazier J. jr. currier, 41 s Calvert st dw Eden s of Gough
Frazier mrs Elizabeth, grocer, cor Pinkney st and Apple alley
Frazier John, rope maker, Apple al s of e Baltimore st
Frazier Elizabeth, Green st n of German
Frazier John, carpet weaver, Penn av s of Biddle st
Frazier Rebecca, academy, German st w of Sharp
Frazier James, carpenter, Young st n of Orleans
Frazier Jos. carpenter, Orleans st w of Canal
Frazier Joseph, turner, 99 Orleans st
++Frazier Tench, labourer, Spring st s of Pratt
++Frazier John, mattress maker, Biddle al s of Ross st
Frederick John, tavern, 31 Harrison st
Frederick Robert, chairmaker, cor Potter and Gay sts
Frederick Edw. bricklayer, 9 Sterling st
Frederick John, labourer, New st e of Cove
Frederick Wm. shoemaker, Hampstead st e of Strawberry al.
Frederick Michael, engineer, 1 Barre st
Frederick Curtis A. Salisbury st e of Lloyd
+Free Milton, cooper, rear of Green st
Free Jefferson, cooper, Henrietta st e of Charles
Freeberger George, Centre hotel, cor Mercer and Grant sts
Freeberger G. H. police officer, Park lane w of Pearl st