Director for 1837. FAH
Evans Joseph, cordwainer, Sugar alley e of Charles st
Evans Barbara, cor Fleet st and Happy alley
Evans Richard, Union Hotel, Cambridge st. Canton
Evans Joshua, cordwainer, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Evans Isaac, clerk, 7 George st
Evans Thomas, carpenter, Barre st w of Hanover
Evans James, barber, Forest st s of Douglass
Evans Miss M. academy, 22 Lexington st
Evans Esther, umbrella maker, 4 w Baltimore st
Evans George, firm of Bell and Evans, coopers, 62 Pratt st. dw
Exeter st near Water
Evans John & Co. druggists, cor Pratt st and Dugan's wharf
Evans Mitchell, mariner, Sugar alley w of Light st
Evans Mrs Mary, cor Exeter and Salisbury Sts
++Evans John, drayman, Jefferson st betw Canal and Aisquith
++Evans James, sawyer, Long lane n of Orleans st
++Evans James, labourer, Welcome alley w of Hanover st
Evatt C. lock and gun smith, &,c. 56 Light st. dw 74 Camden
Evatt Edward, lock and gun smith, Light st s of Lombard
Everhart Conrad, tailor, Hill st near William
Everhart George, coach maker, Potter st s of Hillen
Everhart Jacob, confectioner, Saratoga st w of Eutaw
Everhart Marlin. porter, 87 s Howard st
Evert Margaret, Wilk st e of Harford Run
Everett James, Plaisterer, Bond st n of Gough
Everett Rev. L. S. High st n of Gay
Everett John, Starr alley near Gough st
Everett Mrs Ann, 6 Ensor st near Monument
Everett Thomas, grocer, cor e Falls avenue and Pratt st
Everett Godfrey, Pleasant st near Falls
Everish Job, labourer, Gouh st near Wolf
Everist James, Happy alley s of Gough st
Everist Thomas, labourer, cor Market and e Baltimore sts
Everist Joseph, oak cooper, Harford avenue
Ewaldt Mrs. Montgomery st w of Charles
Ewaldt S. D. grocer, Penn, avenue s of Union st
Evvalt Philip, blacksmith, Baltimore st extended
++Ewen Maria, washer, Short st n of Orleans
Ewin John, Mathematical instrument maker, dw Granby w of
Ewin John, ladies' shoe maker, 77 Pitt st [Gough
Ewin William, mathematical instrument maker, 53 South st
Exchange Baltimore, B Gay st betw Second and Water
Eytinge Simon, pawn broker, Pratt st near Sharp
Fabiand Peter, gunsmith, 6 Lancaster st
Fabler Conrad, Apple alley near Lancaster st
Faca George, labourer, Orleans st e of Caroline
Fahie Martin, labourer, Canal st s of Gough
Faherty John, labourer, Fall's avenue w of Pratt st
Faherty mrs Mary, Philpot e of Thames st