EDW Matchett's Baltimore
Eareckson F. ship joiner, Wilk st near Harford Run
Eareckson Robert, carpenter, Wilk st e of Exeter
Eareckson Mary, Wilk st e of Pratt
Earickson Thomas, lumber inspector, Wilk st 1 door e of Exeter
Earles Samuel, cordwainer, Wagon alley w of Park st
Earnest George & W. Cowles, china store, 27 s Calvert st
Earnest George, of above firm, dw 9 Waterloo row Calvert st
Earnest George, attorney at law, n e cor Fayette & St Paul's sts
Earnickin John, sawyer, Philpot st e of Wilk
Easter Hamilton, dry goods merchant, 125 Baltimore st
Easter John of Jno. dry goods merchant, 97 Baltimore st. dw
Pratt st near Exeter
Easter John, dry goods merchant, 39 Baltimore st. dw Baltimore
street near Aisquith
Easley Thomas, boat builder, 76 Alice Anna st
Eastley Miss Ann, cor Gough and Eden
Eastman Jonathan S. farmers' repository, Pratt st. dw Barre st
between Hanover and Sharp sts
Eastman & Whittington, commission naif, 85 Howley's wharf
Easton Robert, labourer, Cross st near Johnson
Eastwood & Marsh, cabinet makers, 27 e Baltimore st
Eaton Ann, shopkeeper, Armistead lane w of William st
Eaverson Isabella, biker, n Howard st s of Richmond
Ebaugh Henry, keeper of Court House, dw Saratoga Rt w of
Ebaugh Henry, Liberty st s of Saratoga [Chatsworth
Ebaugh George, carpenter, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Ebbs E. academy, Camden st e of Hanover
Eberly Macrdelina, Forest st opposite Penitentiary
Ebsworlh M. brass founder, 84 Baltimore st
Ebsvvorth Thomas, fender manufactory, n Frederick st near Balto
Eccleston James, trader, Mulberry st e of Pine
Eccleston Rev. Samuel, archbishop, cor Mulberry and Charles
Eccleston Cyrus, butcher, Potter st w of Douglass
Eccleston Archibald, Strawberry alley B of Alice Anna st
Eckel William, grocer, cor Exeter and Hillen sts
Eckrnan Benjamin, shoe maker, Argyle alley s of Alice Anna St
Eddy Mary, fruit shop, Harford avenue near Monument st
+Eddicks Jarrett, labourer, Carpenter alley e of Paca st
Eden Alexander, bacon seller, Charles st 8 of Henrietta
Eden Adam, Lancaster et e of Strawberry alley
Edes Mrs M. A. boarding house, cor Light st and Wine alley
Edgar Mrs Nancy, sempstress, rear of 100 Dugan's wharf
Edgar William, collector, 28 Baltimore st
Eclhlex Joseph, Lancaster st e of Strawberry alley
Edmonds Richard, grocer, cor Potter and French sts
Edmondson Moses, Charles st n of Henrietta
Edmondson Thomas, Franklin st extended
Edwards Henry, mariner, 92 Market st
Edwards John, Thames st e of Bond