Hamilton St. C. Martin, Otology, Lary-
naology, etc.
John Wm. Mitchell. Materia Medica, etc.
Henry P. Parker. Practice of Medicine.
Henry Clay Scurlock. Bio-Chemistry, etc.
John A. Talbott, Orthopedics.
Edw. D. Williston. Obstetrics.
Wm. C. Woodward. Medical Jurisprud-
Frederick P. Barrier, Operative Dent-
istry, etc.
Caryl Durbank. Practice of Medicine.
Austin M. Curtis, Surgery.
Albert Ridgeley, Anatomy,
Elmer Clayton Terry. Medicine.
Adlophys Walton. Prosthetic Dentistry.
Chas. I. West. Anatomy.
Anna Bartsch-Dunne, Histology; Ob-
Lewis Chas. Ecker, Medicine.
Porter B. Lennox. Pathology, Microscopy.
Wm. F, Magruder. Physiology, Pharma-
Daniel H. Smith, Pharmacy.
Ferdinand D. Whitby, Neurology.
Eva R. Board, Pharmaceutical Arith-
metic, etc.
Lucius H. Brown, Anaesthesia.
Arthur L. Curtis, Physical Diagnosis,
Raymond Anthony Davis, Medicine.
M. J. D. Wiseman, Anaesthesia.
Joseph C. Brazier, Dentistry,
Merrill H. Curtis. Dentistry.
Thos. Wm. Edwards, Dentistry.
Ernest M. Gould, Operative Dentistry.
Ernest. Hardy, Dental Infirmary.
Lawrence Jackson. Anaesthesia.
Howard F, Kane. Obstetrics,
Willard M, Lane. Surgery.
Vernon Jas. Lohr, Crown and Bridge.
John S. Mitchell, Practical Pharmacy,
Lloyd H. Newman. Medicine.
John K. Recktor. Medicine.
Edwin L. Williams, Medicine.
Allen S. Wolfe, Anaesthesia.
Chas. Y. Harris, Anatomy.
S. C. Hopkins, Orthodontia.
Wm. Alexander Jack. Practical Surgery.
Iverson Mitchell, Dentistry.
Raymond Bell Thomas, Dentistry.
Frank J. Eichenlaub, Dermatology,
Milton A. Francis, Surgery.
Antoine E. Greene, Bacteriology,
Arthur B. McKinney, Clinical Surgery.
Charles H. Marshall. Gynecology,
Julian Walton Ross, Gynecology,
Thos. Carlton Thompson, Urology.
Claudius Young. Gynecology, Anatomy.
G. C. Wilkinson, First Assistant Super-
intendent. 406 U st., N, W.
Marion P. Shadd. Assistant Superintend-
ent and Chief Examiner, Board of
Examiners, 1410 14th st. N, W.
E. A. Clark. Principal Miner Normal
School. 1915 2nd st., N. W.
W. L. Smith, Principal Dunbar High
School, 1809 2nd st.. N. W.
J. E. Brooks. Dean of Girls' Dunbar
High School, 1767 T st.. N. W.
A. C. Newman, Principal Armstrong
Technical High School. 504 T st..
N. W.
O. D. Weaver, Dean of Girls' Armstrong
High School. 1225 T st., N. W.
Mineola Kirkland. Principal Shaw Jun-
ior High School, 1106 B st., N. E.
C. Smith Wormley. Principal Randall
Junior High School, 211 T st., N. W.
L. C. Randolph. Principal O St. Voca-
tional School, 1240 Kearney st., N. E.
F. E, Parks. Principal Phelps Vocational
School. 1935 15th st.. N, W.
J. C, Nalle. Supervising Principal, 1308
U st.. N. W.
H. H. Long, Supervising Principal, 2525
Georgia ave., N. W.
L. L. Perry, Supervising Principal. 913
P st., N. W.
J. C. Bruce, Supervising Principal, The
Whitelaw Apartments.
O. W. Mcnonald, Director Manual Train-
ing 623 10th st., N. E.
J. W. Shaw. Director Domestic Science.
112 S st., N. W.
J. E. Wormley. Director Music. 547 Flor-
ida ave., N. W,
A. J. Turner, Director Physical Train-
ing. 300 T. st., N. W.
R. L. Nixon. Director Drawing, 1316 Q
st., N. W.
Imoffene Wormley. Director Kindergar-
tens, 547 Florida ave., N. W,
E. F. G. Merritt. Director Primary In-
struction, 1630 10th st., N. W.
E. F. Wilson, Director Domestic Art. 942
T st., N. W.
I. O. Richardson, Attendance Officer, 309
11th st., N. E.
Bowie. M. E.. 1523 M st., N. W.
Corrothers. T. H.. 1517 P st.. N. W.
Cox. I,. B.. 2207 13th st., N, W.
Craig. I. A., 2531 Georgia ave.. N. W.
Gregory. J. F.. 1740 S st.. N. W.
Hand, A. C., 1223 New Jersey ave., N. W.
James. M. C., 944 T st.. N. W.
Jordan, M. P,.. 761 Girard st., N. W.
Kemp, R. t,.. 1719 U st.. N. W.
Lane, R, B., 726 8th st., N. E.
Lisemby, E. B.. 1338 V st. N. W,
Martin. C. E.. 310 N. Y. ave., N. W.
Minor. J. I.. 3307 Sherman ave.. N. W.
Ruff, L. L,. 1722 2nd st.. N, W.
Shippen. E. P., 929 S st.. N. W.
Thomas, M. E., 325 Oakdale st., N. W.
Turner. J. A., 2823 11th st.. N. W.
Wilkinson, H. R,. 1R18 S st.. N. W.
Woodard, G., 127 W st., N. W.
Wormley, J. A., 405 U st.. N. W.
Adams, Cato W.. 1914 7th st., N. W.
Adams, Henry R.. 135 P st., N. W.
Alexander, R, W.. 1307 T st.. N. W.
Allen. H. B., 945 S. st.. N. W.
Amos. Ernest R., 2407 Shannon pl.. S. E
Bailey. Henry L., 1638 19th st. N. W.
Bonner, Marietta O., 1805 2nd st.. N. W
Brown. Geneva C.. 1807 2nd st.. N. W.
Brown. Helen D.. 2464 6th st., N. W.
Burkner. William N., 2643 15th st., N. W.
Burrell. Elizabeth D., 1711 11th st.. N. W
Chase. W, 0. Jr.. 1916 10th st.. N. W.
Clifford. M, C.. 2263 Sherman ave., N. W.
Contee, Olive V.. 1516 12th st., N. W.
Crawford. Helen F.. 1910 3rd st., N. W.
Crawford. M. V.. 1910 3rd si.. N. W,
Cromwell, Otelia, 1815 13th st.. N. W.
Davidson, Ophelia M.. 1333 R st.. N. W.
Denney, Louise F.. 1303 3rd st.. N. W.
Hodson, Boynton C.. 203 Elm st.. N. W.
Fears. Lee R., 924 R st., N. W.
Ferguson. George A.. 2433 M st.. N. W.
Griffin. Mary E.. 1223 N. J. ave,, N. W.
Hall. Ethel M.. 1758 T st., N. W.
Harley, J. L.. 2011 Vermont ave., N. W.
Harris, Ethel C.. 123 T st., N. W.
Haynes, Harold A,. Silver Spring, Md.
Holmes, Talley R., 1345 T st.. N. W.