trict, said new Election District to be known as Seat Pleasant
Election District No. 18, and the remaining part of said Elec-
tion District No. 13 to retain its present name and number.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the new Election District
No. 18 hereby created shall be within the following metes and
bounds: Beginning at a point where the District of Columbia
Line intersects the Washington and Upper Marlboro Turnpike,
and thence running with the said Washington and Upper Marl-
boro Turnpike to the Walkers Mill road; thence with the Walk-
ers Mill'road to Central avenue; thence with Central avenue
east to a line on said avenue known as the Manor Line; thence
with the said Manor Line to a point where said Manor Line
would intersect the Carmody road if said road were extended in
a straight line from its present terminus, and thence with the
Carmody road as extended to the Cabin Branch: and thence
with the Cabin Branch to the Beaver Dam Branch: and thence
with the Beaver Dam Branch to the Pennsylvania Railroad;
thence with the said railroad to the District of Columbia line;
and thence with the District of Columbia Line to the point of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the polling place of said
Kent District No. 13 shall remain as heretofore, at Brightseat,
and the polling place of the new District No. 18 shall be at
some place to be selected by the Supervisors of Election in or
near the village of Capitol Heights.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of correct-
ing the reigstries of voters of District No. 13 and furnishing a
register of voters for the new district, the Supervisors of Elec-
tion of Prince George's county are hereby directed to furnish
new duplicate registers for the new district formed by this Act,
aud to direct and require their clerk to make up from the regis-
tries, books of Kent district, as "said books were originally
made, a registry of voters for the new district created by this
Act, by striking from the original registries the names of all
registered voters who have been registered in the original Kent
district, and to inscribe the .same on the new registration book
of the new district hereby created and established, and when
said clerk to said supervisors shall have erased from the old
and inscribed in the new books the names of the voters who
are entitled to registration only in the said new district, in all
cases of erasure the said clerk shall draw a line in red ink
through the names thus erased or transferred, and under the
heading "Remarks" on said old registries shall enter the words
"transferred by formation of a new district," and the said
Supervisors of Elections are hereby required to deliver said
new registries to the registers of voters to be appointed for