ever he may be so ordered by any judge of said court. It shall
also be the duty of said stenographer, by an order of said court,
to attend any hearing in any cause to take stenographic notes,
and, upon request, it shall be his duty to furnish to any party
to such proceedings a typewritten copy of the notes of testi-
mony and judicial opinions so taken by him, or of such part
thereof as may be required on payment by such party of the
expense of such copy at the rate of five cents for every hun-
dred words; whenever any judge of said court shall pass an
order requiring a typewritten copy of all or any part of the
stenographic notes taken during any judicial proceedings at
which he presided, to be made, it shall be the duty of the court
stenographer to make such copy, and said transcript shall be
filed in the case under such rules as shall be prescribed by said
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1910.
AN ACT to provide for the formation of a Sewerage Commis-
sion and for the construction and maintenance of a sewer-
age system for the town of Garrett Park, Montgomery coun-
ty; to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of
said town to issue and sell bonds therefor to an amount not
to exceed $14,000, and to provide for the levy and collection
of a special sewerage tax to meet the interest and principal
of said bonds as the same become due.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland, That the Mayor and Council of Garrett
Park be and they are hereby authorized and empowered in
order to accomplish the purpose of this Act, to borrow on the
credit of the said town an amount not exceeding fourteen thou-
sand dollars ($14,000), and to issue coupon bonds therefor
under the corporate seal of the said town of Garrett Park,
which said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and the Clerk
and Treasurer of said town, each of the said bonds to be of
the sum of one hundred dollars ($100), and to bear interest
from the date of issue thereof at a rate of not more than five
and one-half per centum per annum, payable semi-annually,
and which said interest to the maturity of each bond shall be
provided for and set forth in the coupons attached to each of
said bonds, respectively, for the interest due and payable there-
on, and which said bonds shall have printed on them, and on