SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Council of the town of Somerset, in
the county of Montgomery, are hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to construct sewers in any of the streets of the
town of Somerset whenever it shall be necessary in the opinion
of said Mayor and Council to construct sewers in any of the
streets of the town of Somerset, Avhen owners representing
forty (40) per cent, of the property abutting on the line of
said sewers shall petition for the same, and the entire cost of
same shall be assessed against the property abutting on said
street or streets, and the money due from the said assessment
shall be a lien on said abutting property and collected as other
taxes are collected by the Mayor and Council; provided, that
before any special tax be leived upon this Act notice shall be
served upon said abutting property owner of the purpose and
probable amount of special tax by mailing of a copy thereof
by the Clerk of said Mayor and Council to the last known resi-
dence of the owner or owners of said abutting property, which
notice shall provide a time and place when and after which
said owner or owners shall have the right to be heard with
reference thereto.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted further, That all other Acts inconsist-
ent with this Act are hereby repealed.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted further, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1910.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 212A
of Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Mont-
gomery County," sub-title "Rockville," as enacted by Chapter
221, passed at the Session of 1906, and by adding a new sec-
tion to be designated as Section 212e.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land. That Section 212A of Article 16 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Montgomery County," sub-title "Rockville,"
is hereby repealed and re-enacted as follows, and that a new
section be added to follow Section 212A to be numbered and
designated as Section 212B.
212A. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company is hereby
required to keep in addition to the safety gates operated from
the present or any tower a flagman or signalman stationed
during each and every day from 6 o'clock A. M. to 12 o'clock
midnight, at the crossing of its railroad over Baltimore street