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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 963   View pdf image (33K)
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and repairing the roads, streets, sidewalks, parkings, drain-
age, sanitation, and other improvements, and for furnishing
police protection and public services, including the removal
of ashes, garbage and other refuse for the benefit of the resi-
dents of the several divisions of said village, or such division
or divisions thereof as may apply therefor under certain

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for the purposes of this Act, the village of Chevy
Chase shall be deemed and taken to comprise four certain
parcels of land, namely:

1. The subdivision of land in said Montgomery county made
by the Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery county, and
known as Section 2, as per plat recorded in Plat Book No. 2,
page 106, of the Land Records of said Montgomery county, ex-
cluding therefrom the land of the Chevy Chase Club.

2. The sub-division of land in said Montgomery county
made by the said Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery
county, and known as Section 3, as per plat recorded among
the Land Records of said Montgomery county.

3. The sub-division of land in said Montgomery county
made by the Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery
county, and known as Section 4, as per plat recorded among
the Land Records of said Montgomery county, excluding so
much thereof as lies north and west of a line beginning at the
southwest corner of the intersection of Thornapple street and
Connecticut avenue; thence west to the middle of Meadow
lane; thence with the middle of said lane to valley place, and
with the middle of valley place to the south side of Rosemary
street, and thence with the same to the west line of Section 4.

4. And those lands in said Montgomery county known 'as
Martin's Additions to Chevy Chase, as the same are recorded
in said Land Records of said Montgomery.

SEC. 2. The County Commissioners of Montgomery county
are authorized and empowered to levy and cause to be collected
from the property owners at the time of the county tax levy for
the year 1910, and each succeding year in each of the four sep
arate sections or divisions of the village of Chevy Chase named
or created by this Act or such one or more thereof as shall have
petitioned as herein provided for amounts to be fixed by them
as hereinafter provided on each one hundred dollars ($ 100)
worth of the whole assessable property in each of the four sep-
arate sections, divisions or parts of the village of Chevy Chase
in Montgomery county so petitioning, to be collected as other
county taxes in said county are collected, and to be paid over


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 963   View pdf image (33K)
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