and alleys of the city; to provide for the taking up, fining or
committing to the Howard County jail all vagrants, drunken,
loose and disorderly persons and such as-have no visible means
of support and livelihood, and common disturbers of the peace
that may be found within the jurisdiction of the said city; to
declare and adjudge as nuisances any encroachments on the
streets, lanes and alleys of said city, and cause the same to be
removed at the expense of the party offending; to restrain or
prohibit the running at large of horses, cows, sheep, goats or
other animals; to direct in what parts of the city buildings of
wood shall not be erected, and to regulate the construction of
the same; to pass ordinances for preserving order and securing
property and persons from violence; to establish a building-
line for the erection of buildings on streets, lanes and thorough-
fares of said city; to regulate the numbering of houses, lots,
streets and avenues, and the naming of streets, avenues and
public places; to regulate the use of sidewalks for the use of
signs, sign-posts, awnings, posts, horse troughs, telegraph poles,
trolley poles, telephone poles, electric light poles, telegraph, tele-
phone and trolley wires; to require the occupants of property
within said city limits to remove snow from the sidewalks in
front of their respective properties; to regulate the speed of
automobiles and other motor vehicles within said city limits;
and generally to pass all ordinances necessary for the good
government of said city.
78. Any Justice of the Peace resident within the second elec-
tion district of Howard County, upon complaint made before
him of the violation of any ordinance of said corporation, shall
issue process in the name of the Mayor and City Council of
Ellicott City, to recover the fine or penalty imposed for the vio-
lation of such ordinances against the party so offending, and
may hear and determine the matter as in any case arising under
the laws of the State, and shall receive the same fees therefor.
69. The Mayor and City Council of said city shall annually
elect, by joint ballot, a register of said city, and shall fix and
ascertain by ordinance his duties and compensation. The said
registrar shall be the collector of taxes for said city, and shall
give such bond conditioned for the faithful performance of his
duties as the said Mayor and City Council may prescribe.
70. The Mayor and City Council may levy a tax on the prop-
erty assessed in said city not exceeding ten cents in every one
hundred dollars of the assessed value thereof; but it is further
provided that the Mayor and City Council may annually levy
a special tax on property assessed in said city not to exceed ten
cents in every one hundred dollars of the assessed value of
said property to be used only for the purpose of liquidating