City, in said County, in the event the Board of County
School Commissioners of said County shall determine to
purchase or condemn real 'estate and erect such building or
buildings in said City; and to issue bonds therefor, and to
levy on the assessable property in Frederick County an an-
nual tax sufficient to pay said bonds when they mature, and
to pay the interest thereon as it becomes due.
Whereas, The condition now existing at the public schools in
Frederick City by reason of the overcrowded conditions of
said schools, the lack of proper ventilation, the inadequacy
of means to protect the lives of the pupils in case of fire, and
improper sanitary provisions, have become alarming to such
an extent as to produce protests by citizens of said city, and
an earnest desire on their and on the part of the Board of
County School Commissioners of said county, to remedy the
evils which exist; and
Whereas, The conditions cannot be properly remedied except
by the purchase or condemnation of a new site or sites for
schools, and the erection of a new building or buildings for
the use of said schools. Now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That, in the event the Board of County School Commis-
sioners of Frederick County shall determine to purchase or
condemn ground and erect a new building or buildings for the
use of the public schools in Frederick City, the County Com-
missioners of Frederick County, in order to provide the neces-
sary funds for the purchase or condemnation of such ground
and the erection of such new building or buildings, and the
expenses incident thereto, are hereby directed to borrow money
on the credit of the county to an amount not exceeding the
sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, and to issue bonds there-
for, under the corporate seal of said County Commissioners, to
be signed by the president of the Board of County Commis-
sioners and countersigned by the clerk thereof, in sums of not
less than one hundred dollars, and not more than one thousand
dollars, bearing interest from date of issue thereof, at the rate
of four and one-half per cent, per annum; and said bonds shall
have written or printed on them a distinct reference to the
Act directing the issue of same; and said bonds, when issued,
shall be exempt from municipal and county taxation in Fred-
erick County.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the County Commissioners
shall cause to be levied and collected from the assessable prop-
erty in Frederick county a tax annually which shall be suffi-
cient to pay the interest on said bonds, and provide a sinking
fund for their redemption at or before maturity; and said tax