a point near to Frizzell's, now Oursler's brick yard, and at the
end of 400 yards, measured at right angles from the southwest
edge of the said Baltimore and Reisterstown turnpike; then
still running.parallel with said last mentioned turnpike road
the two following courses, to correspond with the curvature
of the same; south 34 3/4 degrees east 370 feet, south 35^ de-
grees east 1466 feet to a stone on the line between Baltimore
county and Frederick county (originally), then with the same,
allowing for variation, north 22 5/8 degrees east to the place of
Sec. 216. The government of the city shall be vested in and
enforced by a Mayor and a Common Council of five members,
who shall be elected by the inhabitants of the city qualified to
vote for delegates to the General Assembly. The Mayor shall
be at least twenty-five years of age and a payer of taxes on the
assessed value of at least one thousand dollars' worth of prop-
erty subject to municipal taxation; the members of the Com-
mon Council shall be at least twenty-one years of age and
payers of taxes upon the assessed value of at least five hun-
dred dollars' worth of property subject to municipal taxation;
and the Mayor shall have resided at least two years and the
members of the Council at least one year within said city. At
the election to be held in May, 1910, the Mayor and the two
members of the Council receiving the highest number of votes
shall hold office for the period of two years; the three other
members of the Council holding for only one year; and if at
this election there should be a tie between more than two
candidates with the highest number of votes, the ones to hold
office for two years shall be publicly determined by lot, after
due notice to the parties interested by the judges of election.
At the election to be held in May, 1911, there shall be three
members of the Council elected for a period of two years, and
at the election in the year 1912, the Mayor, with two members
of the Council, shall be elected for two years, and so alternately
from year to year thereafter; said elections shall be held an-
nually on the first Monday of May, at such place as shall be
designated by the Mayor, between the hours of twelve o'clock
noon and six o'clock in the evening. The Mayor shall give at
least two weeks' notice of the election in the newspapers pub-
lished in Westminster and by such other means as he may
elect, and shall appoint three judges of election. The said
judges shall have power to appoint a clerk, who shall keep a
record of the persons voting and the persons voted for; and
the persons having the highest number of votes for the several
officers of Mayor and Common Council shall be declared duly