the General Assembly of Maryland, entitled "An Act to regu-
late the amount of licenses for selling liquors and intoxicating
drinks in the First and Third Precincts of the Fifth Election
District of Anne Arundel County," be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments, and that a new section be
added providing for the transfer of licenses, to come in after
Section 2A and to be designated as Section 2B.
SEC. 2A. And be it enacted, That no license shall be granted
under the provisions of said Act or under the provisions of any
law authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquors in the First
and Third Precincts of the Fifth Election District of Anne
Arundel County, to any person who has not been a bona fide
resident of said county at least six months prior to the grant-
ing of the license; and that no licensee shall sell or furnish
to any person intoxicating liquors between the hours of 12
o'clock midnight and 6 o'clock in the morning, at any time;
provided, however, that this section shall not apply to a
licensee who is a bona fide hotel keeper, and any person apply-
ing for a hotel license shall pay the sum of two hundred and
fifty dollars in addition to the license fee now required by
said Act; and any person violating the provisions of this
section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not
less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred
SEC. 2B. And be it enacted, That such licenses for the sale
of intoxicating liquors may be transferred and assigned to
any person or persons competent to take out licenses, upon
the transferee's complying with all the requirements of this
Act, the same as are provided for taking out licenses, except
that no additional charge or fee shall be collected for such
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1910.
AN ACT to repeal and to re-enact with amendments Sections 1
and 3 of Chapter 525 of the Acts of 1908, entitled "An Act
to fix the qualifications of voters at municipal elections in
the City of Annapolis, and to provide for the registration of
said voters."
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Sections 1 and 3 of Chapter 525 of the Acts of 1908, entitled
"An Act to fix the qualifications of voters at municipal elec-