violations of the law, as to sales on Sunday or during closing
hours and election day, and securing evidence thereof; pro-
vided, however, that if there be any remonstrance against the
issuing of such license to anyone petitioning therefor, the said
clerk shall not issue the same, and the Circuit Court for Alle-
gany County shall fix a day as early as practicable when peti-
tions and remonstrances shall be heard provided that all re-
monstrances against granting licenses shall be filed within
twenty days after the filing of application for licenses under
this Act; and said Court shall, in its discretion, whenever in
its opinion the petitioner or petitioners is or are unfit person
or persons to be granted such licenses, or, in the discretion of
the Court, the place of which license is applied for is not a
proper one with reference to the public peace and general wel-
fare of the neighborhood or to the character of its inhabitants,
due regard being given to the number of said licenses issued for
said neighborhood, the Court having the discretion to allow or
disallow the license at the place applied for, direct said clerk
not to issue the same; but if said Court shall determine that
such license shall be issued, then the clerk shall issue the same;
provided, that no license under this Act shall be issued to any
applicant therefor until the license fee hereinbefore provided
for shall have been paid and the bond herein provided for shall
have been given, filed and approved and all other provisions
of this Act complied with.
175G. No person shall knowingly sell or barter any spiritu-
ous or fermented liquors or lager beer to any person who is a
minor or under the age of twenty-one years, nor shall any per-
son knowingly sell or barter to any person such spirituous or
fermented liquors or lager beer to be drunk by any person who
is a minor or under twenty-one years of age, and no person
shall knowingly give to any person who is a minor or under
twenty-one years of age any such spirituous or fermented
liquors or lager beer, or knowingly allow upon the premises
occupied by him, her or them any person who is a minor or
under the age of twenty-one years to drink any such spirituous
or fermented liquors or lager beer sold or bartered by him, her
or them; nor shall any licensee under this Act allow any person
who is a minor or under twenty-one years of age to frequent,
loaf or loiter on or about his saloon or premises where spiritu-
ous or fermented liquors or lager beer is sold; no licensee
under this Act shall knowingly sell, furnish or give any intoxi-
cating, spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer to an
habitual drunkard, or to any person whose parent or parents,
guardian, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister, or
public officer, minister of the Gospel or any religious or charit-
able society or the officer thereof, shall have given notice, that