said to State charitable and educational institutions shall be
paid in equal quarterly instalments.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from and after the first day of October, nineteen hundred
and ten.
Approved April thirteenth, nineteen hundred and ten, with
the exception of the several items disapproved and with the
exception of the portions of the respective amounts of the
several items disapproved as appears in the disapproval of
the said several items and in the disapprovals of the portions
of the respective amounts of the said several items hereunto
The provisions and items of the above Act, to wit, Chapter
435, entitled "An Act making an appropriation for the sup-
port of the State Government for the fiscal year ending on
the thirtieth day of September, nineteen hundred and eleven,
are hereby approved with the exception of the following pro-
visions and items and with the exception of the following
named portions of the respective amounts of the several items
contained in said Act, which are hereby severally and respec-
tively disapproved, to wit:
On page 9 of the enrolled Act under the caption Commis-
sioners of Fisheries, the items "To the Fish Commissioners of
the Eastern Shore for the propagation of fish within the waters
of the Eastern Shore, the sum of two thousand dollars
($2,000.00), or so much thereof as in the opinion of the Gov-
ernor may be necessary, together with the further sum of two
hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for the erection of a fish
house," are disapproved.
On page 10 of the enrolled Act, under the caption "Reform-
atory and other Institutions, the item, "together with the fur-
ther sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00,
for buildings" for the Maryland School for Boys, is disap=
On page 10 of the enrolled Act, under the caption Reform-
atory and other Insitutions, the item "together with the fur-
ther sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for buildings"
for Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Frederick, is disapproved.
On page 10 of the enrolled Act, under the caption Reform-
atory and other Institutions, the item "To the Springfield
State Hospital for the Insane of the State of Maryland, the
sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($130,000.00)"
is approved to the extent or amount of one hundred and twenty
thousand dollars ($120,000.00), and disapproved to the extent
or amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) thereof.