State and from each legislative district of Baltimore City, one
free patient at a time each year, upon the certificate of the
County Commisioners of each county and the Board of Health
of Baltimore City.
42. To the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association, the
sum of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the
like sum of nine thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1912.
43. To the Hospital for the Women of Maryland, the sum of
seven thousand five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1911,
and the like sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars for
the fiscal year 1912.
44. To the Good Samaritan Hospital, the sum of twelve
hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the like sum of
twelve hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1912.
45. To the Maryland General Hospital, the sum of fifteen
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the like sum of
fifteen thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1912; said appro-
priation to be used in accordance with Chapter 179, of the Acts
of the Assembly of 1886.
46. To the Maryland Homeopathic Hospital, the sum of six
thousand five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the
like sum of six thousand five hundred dollars for the fiscal
year 1912.
47. To the Saint Agnes Hospital, the sum of seven thousand
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the like sum of
seven thousand five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1912.
48. To the Saint Joseph's German Hospital, the sum of ten
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the like sum of
ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1912; provided that
the said hospital shall furnish one bed, maintenance and treat-
ment for one patient at a time from each senatorial district
of the State.
49. To Saint Luke's Hospital, the sum of three thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the like sum of three
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1912.
50. To the Union Protestant Infirmary, the sum of eight
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the like sum
of eight thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1912; provided
that the said infirmary shall furnish one bed, maintenance and
treatment for one patient at a time for each senatorial district
of this State for each of said years.
51. To the University Hospital the sum of fifteen thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1911, and the further sum of fifteen
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1912; provided that the
said University Hospital shall furnish one bed, maintenance
and treatment for one patient at a time for each senatorial