to secure adequate service or facilities for telegraphic or tele-
phonic communications, the Commission shall, after a hearing
either on its own motion or after complaint, make and serve an
order directing such repairs, improvements, changes, additions
or alterations, to be made within a reasonable time and in a
manner to be specified therein, and every telegraph company
and telephone company is hereby directed to make all repairs,
improvements, changes, additions or alterations required of it
by any order of the Commission served upon it.
SEC. 41. Arid be it further enacted, That all provisions of
this Act in reference to steam railroads, street railroads, gas
and electric light corporations and common carriers, in refer-
ence to hearings, summoning witnesses, taking of testimony,
reports, approval of incorporation and certificates of fran-
chises, the approval of issues of stock, bonds and other forms
of indebtedness, consolidation, lease, transfer of franchises,
valuation of property, plants and franchises, keeping of ac-
counts, complaints as to quality, price, facilities furnished, the
fixing of just and reasonable prices and adequacy of service,
forfeitures of all descriptions, forfeitures for non-compliance
with the orders, summary proceedings under this Act, excessive
charges for product, service or facilities, proceedings before
said Commission and proceedings in any Court mentioned in
this Act, and any and all other sections, paragraphs, provi-
sions and parts of this Act in reference to any other corpo-
rations subject to any of its provisions, so far as the same
shall be practically, legally or necessarily applicable to tele-
phone or telegraph companies or corporations controlling tele-
phone or telegraph lines in this State are hereby made appli-
cable to such telephone and telegraph companies and to corpo-
rations controlling telephone and telegraph lines, and shall
have full application thereto.
SEC. 42. And be it further enacted. That all provisions in
this Act in reference to steam railroads, street railroads, gas
corporations, electric corporations, common carriers and tele-
phone and telegraph companies, with respect to the jurisdic-
tion, powers and duties of said Commission over and in rela-
tion to the said corporations and companies, and with respect
to hearings, summoning witnesses, taking of testimony, reports,
approval of incorporation and certificates of franchises, of
issues of stocks, bonds and other forms of indebtedness, con-
solidation, lease and. transfer of franchises, valuation of prop-
erty, plant and franchises, keeping of accounts, complaints as