every kind, used, operated, controlled or owned by or in con-
nection with any such railroad.
The term "Street Railroad," when used in this Act, includes
every railroad by whatsoever power operated, or any exten-
sion or extensions, branch or branches thereof, for public use
in the conveyance of persons or property for compensation, be-
ing mainly upon, along, above or below any street, avenue,
road, highway, bridge or public place within the corporate
limits of the city of Baltimore or any other city or town con-
taining a population of not less than two thousand persons,
within the State of Maryland, and including all switches,
spurs, tracks, right of trackage, subways, tunnels, stations,
terminals and terminal facilities of every kind, used, operated,
controlled or owned by or in connection with any such street
railroad; but the said term "Street Railroad," when used in
this Act, shall not include a railroad constituting or used as
part of a trunk line railroad system.
The term "Railroad Corporation," when used in this Act,
includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock
company or association, partnership and person, their lessees,
trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever,
owning, operating, managing or controlling any railroad or
any cars or other equipment used thereon, or in connection
The term "Street Railroad Corporation," when used in this
Act, includes every corporation, company, association, joint
stock company or association, partnership and person, their
lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any Court whatso-
ever, holding, operating managing or controlling any street
railroad or any cars or other equipment used thereon or in
connection therewith.
The term "Common Carrier," when used in this Act, in-
cludes all railroad corporations, street railroad corporations,
express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies,
freight companies, freight line companies, steamboat, power
boat and vessel-boat and ferry companies, canal companies, and
all persons and associations of persons, whether incorporated
or not, operating such agencies for public use in the convey-
ance of persons or property within this State, by land or by
water, or both.
The term "Gas Corporation," when used in this Act, in-
cludes every corporation, company, association, joint stock
company or association, partnership and person, their lessees,
trustees or receivers appointed by any Court whatsoever, own-
ing, operating, managing or controlling any plant or property
for manufacturing and distributing and selling for distribu-
tion or selling or distributing illuminating gas (natural or