SEC. 23. Whoever offers for sale within the State of Mary:
land produce or commodities in barrels, baskets, boxes or
packages of less than the Maryland standard barrels, baskets,
box or package, or multiples of said, divisible by two, without
having the words "Short Measure" marked or stamped on each
and every barrel, basket, box or package in letters one inch
high, as provided in Section 21 of this Article, shall, for each
barrel, basket, box or package, be fined and pay the sum of two
dollars, together with all costs of prosecution, one-half to go
to the informer and the other half to the public school fund
of the county or city.
SEC. 24. The standard weights for grain, hay, straw, produce
and mineral coal for this State shall be as follows: Apples,
dried, 28 pounds per bushel; alsike clover seed, 60 pounds per
bushel; alfalfa seed, 60 pounds per bushel; barley, 48 pounds
per bushel; barley malt, 34 pounds per bushel; buckwheat, 48
pounds per bushel; blue grass seed, 14 pounds per bushel;
beans, 60 pounds per bushel; bran, 20 pounds per bushel;
carrots, 50 pounds per bushel; corn (shelled), 56 pounds per
bushel; corn (on cob), 70 pounds per bushel; corn (on cob),
350 pounds per barrel; corn (shelled), 280 pounds per barrel;
corn meal, 48 pounds per bushel; clover seed, 60 pounds per
bushel; castor beans or seed, 50 pounds per bushel; coal or
culm, 80 pounds per bushel; coal, 2,240 pounds one ton; char-
coal (commercially dry), 2,748 cubic inches per bushel; cow
peas, 60 pounds per bushel; flour, 196 pounds per barrel; flax
seed, 56 pounds per bushel; herd's grass seed, 45 pounds per
bushel; Hungarian grass seed, 50 pounds per bushel; hemp
seed, 44 pounds per bushel; hay, 2,000 pounds one ton; lime,
80 pounds per bushel; millet (German and American), 50
pounds per bushel; oats, 32 pounds per bushel; onions, 57
pounds per bushel; orchard grass seed, 14 pounds per bushel;
peaches (peeled), 40 pounds per bushel; unpeeled, 32 pounds
per bushel; peas, 60 pounds per bushel; potatoes (sweet and
Irish), 60 pounds per bushel; peanuts, 22 pounds per bushel;
rye, 56 pounds per bushel; red top grass seed (chaff), 14
pounds per bushel; red top grass seed (fancy), 32 pounds per
bushel; rape, 50 pounds per bushel; straw, 2,000 pounds one
ton; salt (coarse), 70 pounds per bushel; salt (fine), 56 pounds
per bushel; sorghum, 50 pounds per bushel; timothy grass
seed, 45 pounds per bushel; turnips, 60 pounds per bushel;
wheat, 60 pounds per bushel.
SEC. 25. All charges for freight, measurement, weighting,
inspection, wharfing and commission on grain shall be made
on the number of bushels as ascertained by weight and not
by the running measurement; and any one found guilty of a
violation of this section shall, on the convicton thereof before