and such persons buying or procuring such products shall keep
a correct record of the amount received, the amount used and
the amount on hand, and shall report these facts whenever any
of these products are used; and if at any time any of these
products left on hand are not deemed fit for use, or are not
to be used, said person shall forward the same to the Director
of the State Laboratory for Biological Products, with a state-
ment of where and when procured, the amount procured at the
time, the amount used, and his name and address. If the
amount forwarded to the Director of the State Laboratory for
Biological Products, and the amount used, do not total the
amount procured or purchased, a satisfactory statement shall
be made as to what became of the remainder.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That no person shall
treat any animal with any material or substance nor in any
manner for the purpose of preventing normal reaction on the
part of such animal to the tuberculin, mallein or other test.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That no person shall
knowingly sell or offer for sale any animal that has reacted to
the tuberculin, mallein or other test, without giving informa-
tion of such reaction to the purchaser.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That no animal that has
reacted to the tuberculin, mallein or other test shall be sold or
removed from the premises where the test was made without
permission in writing from the State Veterinarian.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the selling, giving
away or distribution of vaccines, or biological products con-
taining living organisms, to be used for the immunizations of
the cattle against tuberculosis, glanders or other diseases of
live stock, is hereby prohibited, except as hereinafter provided:
On order of a doctor of medicine or graduate veterinarian,
who has been admitted by the representative State boards to
practice in Maryland, in either case the doctor or veterinarian
shall accompany the order for the material, with a statement
containing the name and address of the owner of the animals
it is proposed to treat, and the object of the treatment; and
the said doctor or veterinarian shall state over his signature
that he will be personally responsible for the proper use of the
vaccinating material or other biological product. The original
of the order shall be kept on file by the vendor or distributor,
and a copy of the same shall immediately be filed by him with
the Director of the State Laboratory for Biological Products.
The person, firm or corporation shall report the receipt of the
material to the Director of the State Laboratory for Biological
Products, along with a list of the animals it is proposed to
treat, giving their ages and such description of each as will