tration shall be held on the first Thursday in April and Octo-
ber in each year, in the City of Baltimore, or at such times and
places as may be fixed upon by the board; provided, that ten
days' public notice of the hour and place of each meeting at
which there is an examination of candidates for registration
shall be given. It shall be the duty of the board to receive all
applicants for examination and registration submitted in
proper form, to grant certificates to such persons as may be
entitled to the same hereunder, to report annually to the Gov-
ernor and the Maryland Pharmaceutical Association upon the
condition of pharmacy in the State, which report shall also
furnish a record of the proceedings of the board, as well as the
names of all persons registered under these provisions; to keep
a book in which shall be registered the names and places of
business of all persons so registered, and all facts pertaining
to the granting of certificates. The said board shall have the
power to adopt any rules and by-laws not inconsistent here-
with necessary to the transaction of the business of the board,
to demand and receive from applicants the fees herein provid-
ed, which shall by the treasurer of the board be paid to the
Treasurer of the State.
147. Any person who has had four years' active experience
in a pharmacy where physicians' prescriptions are daily com-
pounded and has reached the age of twenty-one years, who,
after examination by the Maryland Board of Pharmacy, shall
be by it deemed competent, shall be registered as pharmacist
and be given a certificate of such registration.
Such persons shall make application to the secretary ten
days before any of the meetings of the board and shall pay to
the board a fee of fifteen dollars.
Any person who has had two years' active experience in a
pharmacy where physicians' prescriptions are daily compound-
ed and has attained the age of eighteen years, who, after the
examination by the Maryland Board of Pharmacy, shall by it
be deemed competent, shall be registered as assistant pharma-
cist and be given a certifiacte of such registration. Such per-
son shall make application to the secretary of the board ten
days before any of its stated meetings and pay to the board a
fee of ten dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1910.
AN ACT to amend Article 43 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland (Code of 1904), title "Health," by adding