Public School Tax— Clerk to State Board of Education —
Salary ..............................
Chaps. 584 of 1904 and 253 of 1908
369 64
Frostburg Normal School^ ............
Chaps. 584 of 1904 and 253 of 1908
7,000 00
Washington College, Normal Dept......
Chaps. 584 of 1904 and 253 of 1908
4,500 00
1,371,333 26
Retired Teachers' Pensions................................
Chapters 475 1/2 of 1906 and 605 of
1908 ............ ............
25,814 42
Repairs of Executive Mansion ............................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
10,000 00
Repairs to Old Treasury Building..........................
Chapter 455 of 1908..............
660 27
Repairs to Public Buildings...............................
Chapter 253 of 1908....................
4,000 00
Regentrajt the University of Maryland......................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
4,000 00
Restoration of Public Records.............................
Chapter 606 of 1908..............
3,530 06
State Roads Loan........................................
Chapter 141 of 1908..............
175,919 35
State Loan of 1902........................................
Chapter 200 of 1902..............
1,500 00
Sinepuxent Salt Water Inlet Co. of Worcester County.......
Chapter 810 of 1906..............
2,500 00
St Anthony Orphan Asylum...............................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
1,000 00
State Vaccine Agent .....................................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
2.600 00
State Tax Commissioner ..................................
Jhaps. 178 of 1878 and 253 of 1908
9,500 00
State Tobacco Warehouses ................................
Chapter 75 and 253 of 1908.......
101,676 26
St. Mary's Industrial School ..............................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
32,500 00
St. Vincent's Infant Asylum ..............................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
11,250 00
St. John's College ........................................
Res. 38 of 1811 and 41 of 1832,
and Chapters 315 of 1878, 208
of 1894, 111 and 255 of 1908.....
34,699 99
St. Mary's Female Orphan Asylum ........................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
4,500 00
State Live Stock Sanitary Board ..........................
Chapters 519 of 1888, 306 of 1898
and 253 of 1908 ...............
11,664 20
Silver Cross Home .......................................
Cnapter 255 of 1908..............
1,500 00
Shelter for the Aged and Infirm Colored Persons............
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
500 00
State Board of Health.....................................
Chapters 604 of 1890, 312 of 1898,
253, 345 and 399 of 1908........
13,135 85
State Weather Service ...................................
Chapter 329 of 1892..............
1,502 69
St. Mary's Female Seminary .............................
Chaps. 255 of 1-908 and 193 of 1868
' 7,000 00
Carried Forward .....................................
$4,667,659 92