STATEMENT B—Continued.
Character of Disbursements.
Acts Authorizing Payments.
Brought Forward ....................................
$602,838 03
Insurance ..............................................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
7,865 05
Interest on the Public Debt:
Consolidated Loan of 1899 ..............................
Chapter 253 of 190S..............
$97,617 78
Public Building Loan...................................
Chapter 253 of 190S..............
56,875 00
State Building and Improvement Loan....................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
15,000 00
State Loan of 1902.....................................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
18,000 00
State Roads Loan ......................................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
9,450 00
196,942 78
Judges' Pensions ........................................
Chaps. 236 of 1904 and 323 of 1908
24,205 84
Judiciary ...............................................
Chapters 255 and 298 of 1894 and
253 of 1908...................
155,918 51
Jamestown Exposition Commission.........................
Chapter 779 of 1906..............
612 94
Land Office..............................................
Chapters 495 of 1904, 412 of 1906
and 253 of 1908 ...............
9,453 22
Legislature .............................................
Chapter 219 of 1908..............
507 00
Legislative Printing.......................................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
2,534 98
License and Tax ou Insurance Companies .................
Chapter 172 of 1908..............
6,500 00
Licenses to sell Commercial Fertilizers — Paid to Maryland
Agricultural College.....................................
Chapter 397 of 1904..............
10,485 00
Little Sisters of the Poor..................................
Chaps. 810 of 1906 and 255 of 1908
1,000 00
Lunacy Commission ......................................
Chaps. 487 of 1886 and 253 of 1908
2,928 11
Lying-in Hospital Maternite of Maryland- .................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
3,000 00
Locust Point Social Settlement............................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
500 00
Maryland Lying-in Asylum Maternite......................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
4,250 00
Maryland Workshop for the Blind ........................
Chapter 566 of 1908..............
5,000 00
Maryland School for Bovs ................................
Chapter 253 of 1908..............
26,250 00
Maccabenns of Baltimore City.............................
Chapter 255 of 1908..............
500 00