any portion of a substance unfit for food, whether manufac-
tured or not, or any animal or vegetable substance produced,
stored, transferred or kept in a condition which would render
the article diseased, contaminated or unwholesome, or if it is
the product of a diseased animal or one that has died otherwise
than by slaughter, or that has been fed upon the offal from a
slaughter-house, or if it is the milk from an animal fed upon
substances unfit for food for dairy animals, or from an animal
kept and milked in a filthy or contaminated stable, or in sur-
roundings that would render the milk contaminated.
In the case of water:
First. If manufactured for sale, produced for sale, exposed
for sale or advertised for sale, as a spring, well or mineral
water, or if served in a public place as a spring, well or mineral
water, it be found upon analysis to differ in composition or
constituents from the composition or constituents of the water
taken from the spring, well or other original source, or alleged
original source, from which such water is obtained or alleged
to be obtained, unless the changes therein or additions thereto
be plainly indicated upon the label; provided, that in the case
of waters manufactured to resemble natural mineral waters,
such waters must be labeled in a conspicuous manner "Arti-
ficial"; and provided further, that when such waters are
sold or served as mineral waters, they must contain one or
more mineral constituents in sufficient quantities to have a
therapeutic effect from these constituents when a reasonable
quantity of the water is consumed.
Second. If when advertised and sold as a pure drinking
water, spring, well or mineral water, it shows contamination.
SEC. 140n. That the term misbranded, as used herein, shall
apply to all drugs or articles of food or articles which enter
into the composition of food the package or label of which
shall bear any statement, design or device regarding such
article or the ingredients or substances contained therein, which
shall be false or misleading in any particular, and to any food
or drug product which is falsely branded as to the State,
Territory, place or country in which it is manufactured or pro-
duced ; that for the purpose of this Act an article shall also be
deemed to be misbranded,
In case of drugs:
First. If it be an imitation of or offered for sale under the
name of another article.
Second. If the contents of the package as originally put up
shall have been removed in whole or in part and other contents
shall have been placed in such package.