Requesting the Senators and Representatives of Maryland in
Congress of the United States to use their utmost endeavor
and influence to secure the passage, at the earliest possible
date, of a law appropriating sufficient money to erect suitable
fortifications at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay.
Whereas, There are no fortifications at the entrance to
Chesapeake Bay to protect the property, valued in the billions
of dollars, lying on or of easy access thereto, from a foreign
foe; and
Whereas, The Taft Board of Investigation of Sea Coast De-
fenses has reported favorably and recommended the fortifica-
tion of the mouth of said bay; and,
Whereas, The most eminent of the U. S. Army engineers has
recommended these fortifications; and,
Whereas, The President of the United States recommended
these fortifications in his annual message to Congress; and
Whereas, An association formed of representatives of all
the cities and towns bordering on Chesapeake Bay and tribu-
taries in both Maryland and Virginia have investigated and
recommended that these fortifications be built to protect the
property in the States' of Maryland and Virginia; therefore,
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Senators and Representatives of Maryland in the Congress of
the United States be and they are hereby respectfully requested
to use their utmost endeavors to secure by an early date the
passage of a law authorizing and appropriating sufficient
money to properly defend the entrance of Chesapeake Bay so
as to remove the constant menace to property bordering on said
bay or its tributaries.
And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of State be
and he is hereby respectfully requested to send a copy of these
resolutions, duly attested under the seal of this State, to each
of said Senators and Representatives.
Approved April 8, 1910.
Of the House of Delegates and Senate of Maryland ratifying
an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of
America proposed by Congress to the Legislatures of the
several States.
Whereas, It is provided by the fifth Article of the Constitu-
tion of the United States of America that Congress, whenever