slut he shall register in a book kept for that purpose the full
name of such person, the number and sex of the animal or ani-
mals, and the amount of tax paid, and shall also give to each
person so registered a certificate of registration.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That any person who shall mali-
ciously remove from any dog wearing the same the metal tag
issued to the owner of said dog by the County Commissioners,
shall be fined fifty dollars, to be recovered by the usual proceed-
ings in such cases.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That in case of loss of tag issued
as above referred to any person for his dog, a duplicate shall be
furnished for said dog on payment of ten cents therefor to the
County Commissioners and satisfactory evidence being pro-
duced that the tax has been paid on said dog for the current
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the neglect of any constable
to perform the duties required of him by this Act shall be
sufficient cause of forfeiture of office, and the Board of County
Commissioners of said Talbot County is hereby directed to
remove immediately from office any constable within said
county who shall neglect to perform his duty.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the tax on dogs and sluts
provided for under Section 1 of this Act shall not apply to any
person who may desire to keep kennels for breeding or raising
dogs for sale, or packs of hounds for hunting foxes; but all
persons who keep or may desire to keep a kennel or pack of
fox-hounds as aforesaid must obtain from the County Commis-
sioners, on paying for the same the sum of five dollars, a "ken-
nel or pack license," under which license the number of dogs
or sluts kept for said hunting or breeding purposes is not lim-
ited by this Act, but the person or persons applying for the
license provided for under this section shall advise the County
Commissioners of the number of dogs and sluts he may keep as
a pack or kennel, and shall obtain for each animal a metal tag
marked "Kennel Tag."
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That all cities or towns in said
Talbot County in which dogs and sluts are taxed by municipal
ordinances be and they are hereby exempted from the opera-
tion of the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That on or before the first day of
each month the County Treasurer of said Talbot County shall
place the amount of the tax on dogs and sluts collected by him
and remaining in his hands, less ten per centum of said amount,
which is payable to the constables as provided for under Sec-
tion 2 of this Act, and less an additional ten per centum pay-