same or aid in doing so, save when I may be required to do so
by law in some legal proceeding.
14. Said Board of Supervisors shall give ten days' notice of
the time and place of registration, and of revision thereof, and
of elections in each precinct of such county or city, by hand-
bills set up in the most public places in such precinct, and also
in the counties, by advertisement in two newspapers (one of
which newspapers, if possible, shall be of opposite political
faith from that of the majority of said Supervisors) of genera]
circulation therein, except in Howard county, where the
Supervisors of Election may publish in one newspaper the
notice above required, and in the city of Baltimore, by adver-
tisement in all the daily newspapers which will publish the
same at their current rate of advertising. And the Sheriff of
Baltimore city and of each county shall no longer publish such
notices of election. Said board shall make all necessary rules
and regulations not inconsistent with this Article, with refer-
ence to the registration of voters and the conduct of elections,
and they shall have charge of and make provision for all elec-
tions, general, special, local, municipal, State and county, and
for all others of every description, to be held in such city or
county, or any part thereof, at any time; all questions shall
be decided by a majority of the board, unless otherwise ex-
pressly provided in this Article; provided, however, that in
any incorporated city or town in this State (other than the
city of Baltimore) in which the municipal or charter elections
thereof are now regulated by the Public Local Laws of the
State, the conduct of such municipal or charter elections shall
continue to be so regulated as heretofore, and such Public
Local Laws shall continue in force therein.
SEC. 48. At least eight days before an election to fill any
public office the Supervisors of Election of each county and in
the city of Baltimore shall cause to be published in two or
more newspapers within such county, except in Howard county,
where the Supervisors of Election may publish in one news-
paper, and in all the daily papers published in said city which
will publish the same at the current rate for advertising the
nominations to office which have been filed with or certified to
them under the provisions of this Article, if in any county
there be but one newspaper published, publication in such one
newspaper shall be sufficient; they shall make not less than two
such publications in each of such newspapers before the day of
election, and one of such publications in each newspaper shall
be upon the last day upon which said newspaper is issued be-
fore the day of election. Such publication shall be made in
newspapers devoted to the dissemination of general news; and
the two newspapers selected shall, if possible, represent the