place a cross (X) in the square opposite the words "For Bond
Issue," and all voters desiring to vote against the proposition,
as provided by the preceding sections of this Act, shall place a
cross (X) in the square opposite the words "Against Bond
Issue," and if at such election a greater number of persons
shall vote "For Bond Issue" than shall vote "Against Bond
Issue," then the provisions of the aforegoing sections shall im-
mediately go into effect. All other provisions of the charter of
Mount Airy in relation to the election are hereby made applic-
able to said election as fully and to the same extent as if fully
incorporated herein, except as they may be contradicted by, or
be repugnant to, the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage, it being hereby declared to
be an emergency law and necessary to the immediate preserva-
tion of the public health and safety.
Approved April 18th, 1918.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the Register of Wills of
Montgomery County to transcribe the contents of the present
General Index of Wills in his office into a new General Index
Book upon the same system as is used in the present Index,
and to authorize and direct the County Commissioners of
said county to pay a sum not exceeding two hundred and
fifty dollars for said transcribing.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Register of Wills of Montgomery County be and
he is hereby authorized and directed to transcribe, or cause to
be transcribed, the contents of the present General Index of
Wills in his office into a new book upon the same system as that
now in use for that purpose which said book when copied and
compared under the direction of said Register, with the pres-
ent General Index, shall be substituted for and take the place
of the present General Index of Wills in said office.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of said county are hereby authorized and directed
to levy and collect a sum of money not exceeding two hundred
and fifty dollars or as much thereof as they may deem neces-
sary, and when so levied and collected to pay said money to