and by the said City, respectively, the proper disbursing officer
of each of said counties and said City shall pay to the said
Board of Managers of the Maryland Training School for Boys,
at the end of each quarter of the calendar year, an amount
equal to the sum of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents ($32.50),
multiplied by the average number of boys, respectively, from
each of said counties and said city at said school during the
said quarter; the intention of this provision being that while
the levy shall be made annually upon the estimated number
based on the said apportionment according to the census of
population in the respective counties and the City of Baltimore,
quarterly payments shall be made for the actual number of
boys at said school from each of said counties and City respec-
tively. Any balance from said levy at the end of the year shall
revert to the treasury of said county or said city, and any de-
ficiency, if any, shall be included in the succeeding levy and
paid over to the said Board of Managers of the Maryland
Training School for Boys. Any excess of per capita cost of
maintenance over the said apportionment of $130.00, shall be
set forth in the biennial reports of the Board of Managers of
the Maryland Training School for Boys and allowance pro-
vided by the Governor in the Budget appropriations for the
ensuing two years. Provided, that the appropriations of
$30,000 a year made to the Maryland School for Boys in the
Budget by the Legislature of 1918 for the years 1919 and 1920
respectively, shall be used by the Board of Managers of the
Maryland Training School for Boys to cover the said excess of
per capita cost for the years 1919 and 1920, respectively.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after June 1, 1918.
Approved April 10th, 1918.
AN ACT providing for the building of a school building and
providing heating apparatus therefor in the town of Hud-
son, Dorchester County, Maryland, and to authorize and to
require the Board of County School Commissioners of said
county to borrow money for the purpose of building said
school building and providing heating apparatus therefor by
the issuing of bonds, to be endorsed by the County Commis-
sioners of Dorchester County, and to authorize the County