Section 159. Be it enacted, That there shall be elected
one. Councilman for each of said wards a& follows: On the
fourth Monday of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, one
Councilman for Ward Number One, one for Ward Number
Two, one for Ward Number Three, one for Ward Number
Four, and one for Ward Number Five. The Councilmen elected
on the date aforesaid for Wards Number One, Three and Five
shall continue in office until the fourth Monday in March,
eighteen hundred and ninety-three, or until their successors
are elected and qualified, when there shall be an election for
Councilmen in said Wards One, Three and Five, and from that
time, upon the same day in every alternate year thereafter,
there shall be an election for councilmen in said Wards One,
Three and Five. The Councilmen elected on the date afore-
said for Wards Number Two and Four shall continue in office
until the fourth Monday in March, eighteen hundred and
ninety-four, or until their successors are elected and qualified,
and there shall be an election for Councilmen in said Wards
Two and Four; and from that time upon the same day in
every alternate year thereafter, there shall be an election for
Councilmen in said wards, and the same qualifications of the
voters for Councilmen shall be the same as for Mayor, as pro-
vided in section one hundred and fifty-six as amended by this
act, provided the voter shall have resided for six months next
preceding the election in the ward in which he offers to vote;
and in case of removal or until such residence is acquired, the
voter must vote in the ward from which he has removed and
in which he is a qualified elector. The said Councilmen shall
be twenty-five years of age, citizens of the United States, resi-
dents of Hagerstown for five years next preceding the election
and residents of the respective wards for which they are chosen
for six months next preceding the election, and shall take the
oath of office as hereinafter prescribed for town officers. They
shall receive an annual salary of three hundred dollars each,
and no other fee or compensation whatever.
Section 192. The Board of Street Commissioners shall ap-
point regular policemen, not exceeding twenty-five, and the
said Street Commissioners shall designate one of the number
as "Chief" or "Captain" and another as "Lieutenant. " The
said policemen shall serve under such regulations and for such
compensation as the Board of Street Commissioners shall
direct; such compensation, however, not to exceed the sum of
ninety dollars per month for said "Chief" or "Captain" and