a general Northerly direction along the Eastern line of said
Tennallytown and Brookeville Road to a point where inter-
sected by the prolongation in an Easterly direction of the North-
ern line of what is known as the Williams Tract, a parcel of
land formerly belonging to the late John M. C. Williams; thence
in a Westerly direction along said Northern line of the Williams
Tract, and the prolongation thereof to the center line of Con-
necticut Avenue; thence South along said center line of Con-
necticut Avenue to the place of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Board of County
Commissioners of Montgomery County are authorized, empow-
ered and directed to levy and cause to be collected from the'
property owners at the time of the County Tax Levy for the
year 1919 and each succeeding year within said described area
of Chevy Chase as named or created by this Act, amounts to be
fixed by them not less than ten (10) cents nor more than
twenty-five cents on each one hundred (100) dollars' worth of
the assessable property in said part of the Village of Chevy
Chase, Montgomery County, to be collected as "all other county
taxes in said County are collected; to be paid over by the said
Board of County Commissioners to the Treasurer of said Sec-
tion 5 of Chevy Chase to be selected from among their number
by a majority of the members of the Chevy Chase Citizens' Com-
mittee, of said Section 5 herein named, or by their successors
to be selected as herein provided. Upon said Treasurer having
been duly selected by such Committee and giving bond to said
Board of County Commissioners, to be approved by the Judge
of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County in a penal sum to
be fixed by said Judge, conditioned upon the faithful discharge
of the duties of the said Treasurer, the said Board of County
Commissioners shall also order and have paid over to said Treas-
urer the proportion of the county road tax to be levied and col-
lected in the same manner as though said part of the Village of
Chevy Chase was an incorporated town, and said part of said
Village of Chevy Chase shall for that purpose be considered by
said Board of County Commissioners as an incorporated town
of said County; and said proportion of the county road tax re-
ceived by the Treasurer shall be used by the said Chevy Chase
Citizens' Committee exclusively for the maintaining and repair-
ing the county roads upon which said Section 5 abuts and the
streets and lanes that may have been dedicated to the public
or to Montgomery County and whether accepted by said county .
or not; all other funds to be used by the said Chevy Chase