not; all other funds to be used by the said Chevy Chase Citi-
zens' Committee directly or through said Committee exclusive-
ly for opening, maintaining, repairing and lighting the streets,
roads, alleys, sidewalks, parking, drainage, sewerage, sanita-
tion and other village maintenance and improvements, clerical
and other public service, for furnishing police protection and
public service, including the removal of ashes, garbage and
other refuse, and disposal thereof; for the employment of a
building inspector to enforce the requirements of all deeds
of conveyance for properties situated in said village, for en-
forcing auch building, sanitary and other regulations as said
Citizens' Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of
County Commissioners, may prescribe for said section, or for
any part of said section thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after
the passage of this Act until the second Tuesday in January,
1920, the said Chevy Chase Citizens' Committee of Section
4 shall be constituted as follows:
William Blum, John Imirie, Henry H. Glassie,
E. Percival Wilson, and Joseph C. Pearson,
the first named shall, until otherwise directed by said Com-
mittee, be and constitute the Chairman thereof, each of whom
shall qualify as, such Committeeman by taking an oath to dili-
gently and faithfully discharge all duties of the office. In
case any of such persons shall fail to qualify within thirty
days after the passage of this Act, or any of their successors
shall fail to so qualify within thirty days after his election as
Committeeman, as hereinafter provided, or in case of any
vacancy through death, resignation or otherwise, the remaining
Committeemen shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of a
resident registered and qualified voter and property owner of
said Section 4 of said village, who shall hold office for such
term or unexpired term. On the second Tuesday in January,
1920, and on the same day every two years thereafter, an elec-
tion shall be held in said Section 4 of said Village of Chevy
Chase for the election of five members, each of whom shall be
a resident registered and qualified voter and property owner,
to be and constitute said Chevy Chase Citizens' Committee
for said Section 4 for the ensuing two years and each of
whom shall take the oath above provided.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said Chevy Chase
Citizens' Committee of said Section 4 is empowered to grade,
pave, macadamize, or otherwise improve any existing dedi-