SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
appointed under any order, original or of review, shall within
one month after the confirmation of their report, call together
taxables rated for such ditch or ditches, at some convenient
place near the swamp or low lands to be drained, for the pur-
pose of choosing a board of two or more managers and one
SEC. -12. And be it enacted, That any person may be elected
or appointed treasurer of any ditch made pursuant to this
article, whether he be a taxable of said ditch or not.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That they shall give
notice of the meeting by advertisement posted in four of the
most public places of the neighborhood in which the swamp on
low lands lies, stating the time, place and object of the meeting.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That at such meeting or
any other meeting, each of the taxables shall be entitled to the
following grades of votes, in proportion to their respective
taxes, to wit: for any tax to the amount of five dollars and
under, one vote; for any tax not less than fifteen dollars, two
votes; for any tax not less than thirty-five dollars, three votes;
for any tax not less than sixty dollars, four votes; for any tax
not less than one hundred dollars, five votes; for any tax to the
amount of one hundred and fifty dollars and upwards, six
votes; and any person so entitled may vote by proxy, author-
ized by writing, under his hand.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That a majority of the
taxables shall be a quorum for the purpose aforesaid; but if a
majority of the taxables refuse or fail to meet, upon the notice
being given as aforesaid for any regular election, or for the
purpose of filling a vacancy, then in either case the county
commissioners, upon proof that the required notice has been
given, shall be authorized and are directed to appoint such
managers and treasurer.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That the managers, for
the time being, shall annually thereafter in the same manner
call a meeting for the same purpose on the first Saturday of
March, but if the managers for the time being shall have failed
heretofore to call such a meeting or shall hereafter fail to call
such a meeting, then the county commissioners be and they are
hereby authorized and directed to appoint such managers and