sistent with the provisions of this Act, and the territory so an-
nexed shall, in all respects, be taken and considered as part of
said City of Baltimore. Provided, however, that the Act of
1908, Chapter 583, shall not apply to the territory annexed
by this Act to Baltimore City; that the Special Paving Tax
levied by the Act of 1912, Chapter 688, shall not attach to any
property in the territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore
City, on account of any improved paving laid before the pas-
sage of this Act, except paving done by the State Roads Com-
mission, and that no ordinance of the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore existing prior to the passage of this Act, prohibit-
ing the maintenance of stock yards, abattoirs, packing plants
or other plants for the handling of live stock and live stock
products, or fertilizer or acid works or soap factories or ren-
dering plants; or prohibiting the keeping or driving of live
stock or the keeping of fowls, or prohibiting or regulating
manufacturing or other industrial works or businesses exist-
ing, and as conducted, prior to, and at the time of the
passage of this Act, shall apply to any portion of the
territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore City; but nothing
herein contained shall be construed to affect the power of the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to pass ordinances
under the police power, or any other power in the Charter,
affecting the territory and the inhabitants thereof annexed by
this Act to Baltimore City, to the same extent as they may
pass such ordinances affecting the territory and the inhabitants
of Baltimore City as it existed prior to the passage of this Act.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted. That no law prohibit-
ing the sale of liquor in any part of the territory annexed by
this Act to Baltimore City shall be altered, amended or re-
pealed by any provision of this Act.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That any and every
company or corporation which at the time of the passage of
this Act, shall be actually engaged in the business of supply-
ing water to any of the inhabitants of the territory annexed
by this Act to Baltimore City, shall be entitled to continue to
supply with water such territory as they may be actually sup-
plying at the time of the passage of this Act, and such addi-
tional territory as they may be permitted to supply in pur-
suance of this section, after the passage of this Act, until such
time as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may extend
the Baltimore City water service into such territory, or any