WHEREAS, without adequate shipping facilities the produc-
tion, of food products within the territory heretofore served by
said Railroad Company will be greatly curtailed, at a period
when it is imperative that every possible impetus to food pro-
duction be maintained.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Representatives from the State of Maryland
in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives
of the United States, respectively, be and they are hereby re-
spectively, requested to promptly bring to the attention of the
Director General of Railroads of the United States, the im-
portance of acquiring or controlling and maintaining and oper-
ating the line of Railroad heretofore owned and operated by
the aforesaid Washington, Potomac and Chesapeake Railroad
Company, during the period of the present War, or longer;
and to that end cause to be passed, such legislation through the
Senate and Congress of the United States as may be necessary
in the premises.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the State of Maryland, be
and he is hereby requested to immediately transmit under the
Great Seal of this State, a copy of the aforegoing Resolution
and Memorial to each of the Senators and Representatives now
in the Congress of the United States, from the State of Mary-
land, with the earnest request that they lay the same before
their respective Houses in support of the measure hereinbefore
set forth.
Approved March 12th, 1918.
NO. 3.
Joint Resolution extending the term of service of the Hon-
orable B. Harris Camalier as an Associate Judge of the
Seventh Judicial Circuit of Maryland.
WHEREAS, The Honorable B. Harris Camalier, of St. Mary's
County, was elected an Associate Judge of the Seventh Judicial
Circuit of Maryland on the Tuesday next after the first Mon-
day in the month of November, nineteen hundred and nine,
for the term of fifteen years, or until he should attain the age
of seventy years; and whereas, he is now discharging the duties
of the said office, and will, on the sixteenth day of September,