SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners of Montgomery County be and they are hereby
authorized, directed and empowered to apply the proceeds of
the bond issue herein authorized to the payment for the re-
building and improvement of public highways through the
towns of Rockville, Kensington and Poolesville, as hereinafter
directed, using such material as the said County Commis-
sioners may determine upon, after consultation with the State
Roads Commissioner of the State of Maryland, the plans and
specifications thereon to be prepared by the proper officer or
officers of said County under and by the direction of the said
State Roads Commission.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the bonds to se-
cure the first twenty thousand dollars of the bond issue here-
inbefore authorized, shall be issued as soon as may be possible
to procure estimates and plans of the work to be accomplished,
and shall be dated not later than the first day of July, in the
year nineteen hundred seventeen, and the money derived
from the sale of such bonds shall be applied to the rebuilding
and improvement of the roads running through the town of
Rockville as hereinafter provided; the remaining ten thousand
dollars of bonds hereinbefore authorized shall be issued and
dated not later than the first day of July, in the year nine-
teen hundred and eighteen, and the money derived therefrom
shall be applied as follows: A sum not to exceed six thousand
dollars for the improvement and rebuilding of the aforesaid
highways running through the town of Kensington, and here-
inbefore specified, and a sum not to exceed four thousand dol-
lars for the improvement and rebuilding of the aforesaid high-
way through the town of Poolesville as hereinbefore directed.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of
this Act shall be null and void and the said County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County shall not issue the bonds or
levy the taxes hereinbefore provided for unless the State
Roads Commission shall appropriate out of funds coming into
its hands, and applicable to the rebuilding of the highways
through the town of Rockville as hereinbefore specified, and
the sum of six thousand dollars for the rebuilding and im-
provement of the highways through the town of Kensington