grounds of any person without the consent of the owner there-
of in writing. This section not to apply to Allegany County,
Baltimore County, Washington County or Wicomico County.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act is an emergency
law and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
health or safety, and that three-fifths of the members of the
General Assembly concurring therein, it shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved June 27th, 1917.
AN ACT to pay the claim of the Dulany-Vernay Company for
supplies, stationery and materials for the use of the Execu-
tive Department and the General Assembly of Maryland for
the Session of 1916.
WHEREAS, Chapter 397 of the Acts of 1904 failed to make
any appropriation covering the contract for supplies, station-
ery, blank books, and materials used by the Court of Appeals,
State Library, Executive Department and the General Assem-
bly of Maryland for the Session of 1916; and
WHEREAS, Under the provisions of said Chapter 397 of the
Acts of 1904 the contract for such supplies was awarded by
the Board of Public Works after the due notice to Dulany-
Vernay Company, they being the lowest bidders therefor;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of one thousand three hundred and
eighty-three dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
is hereby appropriated to pay the claim of Dulany-Vernay
Company for supplies, stationery, blank-books and materials