(5) Oysters caught upon reserved areas shall be culled in
accordance with the existing law relating to culling, and the
under-sized oysters shall be returned to the natural bars from
which they were taken.
(6) Before any oysters are caught upon such reserved
areas, the captain of each vessel shall take out a special license
from the Commission, at a cost of one dollar per vessel, such
license to be issued only after the captain of such vessel has
taken an oath before a member of said Commission, or their
agent, that he will not remove oysters caught upon such re-
served areas until the deputy commander's certificate in the
form above provided, has been issued to him, that he will faith-
fully comply with all provisions of law regulating the catching
of oysters upon reserved areas, and that he will pay, or cause
to be paid, the special charge or tax upon all such oysters so
caught by him.
Catching oysters upon such reserved areas shall continue
subject to the foregoing conditions and restrictions during the
remainder of the oyster season current at the time the Com-
mission re-opens same, as above provided. Thereafter the said
areas shall be thrown open to public use in the same manner
as other natural beds and bars are now used, unless the said
areas are again set aside for replenishing, in accordance with
the provisions of this sub-title. Any person who shall catch
oysters upon such reserved areas contrary to the provisions,
conditions and restrictions of this Section, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned
for not less than three months, nor more than one year, in the
discretion of the Court.
135. The Comptroller of the State Treasury shall pass the
amount of the special charge or tax, provided for by this sub-
title, to the credit of the "Conservation Fund. " This fund
shall be drawn upon for reimbursing to persons holding the
deputy commander's certificates, the expense of catching, re-
moving and transplanting seed oysters, to be determined by
the Commission but not to exceed ten cents per bushel; and
any excess of said tax thereafter remaining may be used for
purchasing oyster shells or other cultch or obtaining other seed
oysters, to be transplanted upon such areas as may be hereafter
set apart for that purpose.